Monday, October 16, 2023

On Again…Off again…On again!

What a day! So first I will tell about yesterday! Joy's birthday was last Thursday and Abigail's is tomorrow...Joy wasn't home on her birthday and Abigail won't be there on it was decided to celebrate them both yesterday afternoon. So I went over and watched the open presents and also ate cake! We had a nice visit. I took a few pictures of their farm animals that may get featured in future blogs. All I can say about these birthdays...they are getting too old! How can it be that Joy is 18 and Abigail will be 20. Time is flying in all directions! about today and the blog title of "On again...Off again...On again! Today has been a day of way too many phone calls. I really wished that I had kept track of how many were made to me and how many I had to make! We were told by the eye doctor/surgeon that we would be called today by the surgery center to give us the time of surgery. But the first call that came was from the doctor's office. They were having trouble getting Woody's secondary insurance to "claim" that he was insured by them! They couldn't find his patient number. We do not have a card for this company, but haven't had it for years and all has gone smoothly. For one thing they don't have to submit anything to them as Medicare does that. Anyway, the person handling the insurance at the office said that she would call again and I told her that I would hunt for any other information that I had. I gave her information directly from the latest EOB and it coinsided with the information that I have written down in Woody's wallet to give to various doctors...first time that hasn't worked! I kept looking for something else...another phone number or something waiting on the doctor's office to call back if she got things straightened out. Well, she never called so I called her back and she said that everything had gone through...(thanks so much for letting me know...not!). Okay so first crisis eliminated and now they could notify the surgery center that he was going to have surgery there tomorrow. So I waited and waited...finally several hours later...after lunch, I got a call from the surgery center. I answered all their questions, named all the meds that he takes, answered more questions. But when she found out that they had to work around his dialysis time, she had to hang up and then call me back as the time they had assigned him conflicted with his dialysis time. So more waiting for her to call back. She called back, but told me then that the anestheologist really preferred Woody to have the surgery on a non-diaysis day. I had mentioned how spent he gets after dialysis when she was gathering information. So she said that they were going to cancel the surgery for tomorrow and would call back when they found out when the doctor could arrange to do surgery on a day that wasn't assigned to him! While talking to her I knew that I got a call, but didn't even check as I was trying to get everything straight with surgery center. I hung up and Nathan called me on my cell phone. He said that he had just gotten a phone call from the doctor's office to say that Woody's surgery had been cancelled...he's our first emergency person to least we know that works!!!! Before I could hang up from him, the doctor's office called to give me just that information. So I figured that we were through with phone calls about the surgery for today unless they were able to figure out the doctor's schedule and the surgery center's schedule and see if the two could mesh sometime!! I get a call from the surgery center that the surgery was back on because the doctor felt that it would be okay to do the surgery after dialysis and I guess he convinced the anesthesiologist that it will be okay. I know that the doctor really wanted to do it on his surgery day, Tuesday, as he would have the team that he usually works with for these surgeries and he wouldn't if he does it on another day. She gave me a time...we are to be there at 11am and the surgery is schedule for 12:20pm. This means that he will go directly from dialysis to the surgery center. That will be a help in not having to transfer him a lot of times from wheelchair to car to wheelchair, etc. If we had had to go home first then we would add lots of transfers before finally getting into the surgery center. I hung up from that and it wasn't long till the doctor's office called to make sure that we knew about the change, again, in plans! I do appreciate them making sure that we knew what the final decision was! for Woody tomorrow...Abigail turns 20 tomorrow...and, all will be right with the world! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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