Friday, October 20, 2023

So Much for a Low-Key Day!

So we started out the day...OKish. I got up a little later than I had planned but things went along well once I was up. I got Woody's breakfast and then got mine. I came upstairs to check email on my iPad and realized that things on the screen weren't looking just of letters were missing and eyes were doing what they do when I have the start of a migraine. So I went back downstairs and told Woody that I was going upstairs and going to take Tylenol and rest my eyes for a while. That is what it takes so I rested. While I was resting the phone started ringing...when I checked later most were spam calls, but I found one text message that I needed to tend to. It was a nurse from the dialysis clinic. And, I was fairly sure that I knew what it meant...that he needs a blood transfusion...I was right. His red blood count had slipped down just past the line when he is low, but doesn't need a transfusion to the point that he needs one. So she told me that we needed to go to our local hospital to get his blood typed (this irritates Woody, as he doesn't understand why they have to do it every time when they have already typed him at this facility and your blood type doesn't change!). But whether he understands or not it is the rules and has to be done. His dialysis nurse said that she would phone in the orders to the Same Day Surgery part of the hospital (where transfusions take place). I decided that we would wait a bit to make sure that the orders got in before we got there. So he ate lunch and I did a couple of other things and headed off a little after 1pm. Parking was pretty full, but when we got inside there wasn't much going on in the check-in place or later in the waiting room. We should have known that things weren't going to go well when they couldn't find the orders. Finally they did find them and sent us off upstairs to wait to be called to have labs drawn. We waited longer than we usually do, but she finally came and got him. We went back and she said that she didn't need much blood for what they needed. And, Woody asked her why they have to type the blood each time...she said that she didn't know. Anyway we were in an out quickly once we got back there. She "only" had to stick him we headed home and he got settled and the phone rang again and it was a friend telling me that one of our friend's husband had died this morning. I needed to contact our Sunday School teacher to tell her. I started to get an email ready to send to our class and the phone rang again. It was the hospital. She didn't know what happened, but the lab person didn't draw the labs for the typing so we needed to come back! So we trudged back. We had to move quickly as things close up in the check-in place at 4pm and it was 3:30 when we got the call. I had already taken his bracelet off so they had to issue a new one. We went back upstairs and he got stuck in the other arm. This time I think all is well as we have received the appointment time for the transfusion for Monday morning (another "free" day that won't be free!). The orders say that his appointment is for 300 minutes or five hours...I guess he is getting two units...though a unit takes 3 hours so I'm guessing that 300 minutes is incorrect. Now to coordinate drops during that time period!!!! Always something. We weren't home long and the dialysis nurse called saying that the test they had taken indicated that he needs to see a gastro that will be next on our list. I ended up postponing a dermotology appointment next week since we have become so covered up with appointments. I think that he has every day covered with appointments from Monday through Saturday of next week. His eye is still doing well. He spent some time today with the patch off, but he still prefers to have it covered to make sure that he doesn't reach up and undo what has been done! We have gotten in all the drops today except for the bedtime ones. My headache never got bad because I realized it quickly enough and took Tylenol. But I will say that I feel beat after all our comings and goings today. I had two errands planned to do this afternoon. Only one of them got done. I stopped and quickly accomplished one on our way home from the hospital the first time. Still have to do the second one tomorrow. All I can say is..."never a dull moment!" And, I would really like a few dull moments! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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