Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Mama Mia! Progress and More Messes

This has been a stay at home day. Woody pretty lounged around per usual...since he really can't do otherwise! I have stayed busy all day...well, this morning I did spend an extra long time sitting in the living room with my tea looking at my tree with the sun streaming in on it. I can remember back in the days when I worked at Ray's Montessori, I would wish as I headed out the door during December that I could sit down and enjoy my tree instead of heading out the door! Now I can. Woody said that because of him I can! Anyway, I wanted to take advantage of another sunny day to enjoy seeing the sunlight bounce off the ornaments. It was hard to get up and move on to another room and get busy. The sewing machine has had a workout today and I have accomplished other sewing preparations for more Christmas projects as the machine stitched. I have three more ornaments totally finished and ready to gift and another one just needing a hanging cord and a little empblishment. I did a lot of pressing of fabric for another project. Anyway, things are moving along. I also did a little stitching. I have decided that since I did a lot in the sewing room today, that tonight I will relax in my recliner and do some more stitching before my eyes close. The messy part of the day happened in the kitchen..where most of my messes occur! It was time for me to make some more tortillas as Woody was ready to have tacos I did that late this afternoon. I'm still not really comfortable making them...I need a refresher course each time which is provided by YouTube. Well, this time I couldn't find the young lady that I usually watch and it's her recipe that I use. BUT I found another one that taked about using the Kitchenaid Mixer to make I decided that I would adapt the other girls recipe to the instructions of this YouTube...worked well...and not as messy for my for the kitchen...whew! This is a job that I can't seem to contain the flour! I think that I have just about got it all dust mopped off the floor and scraped and wiped off the counters...good enough. The dishes are in the dishwasher and it is running...just couldn't get enough in so am having to handwash more than I would like. Some are the mixer bowl. But shortly after I publish tonight's blog, I will have the mess cleaned up well enough so I can head upstairs and collapse. Tomorrow morning is another early morning for dialysis...but it isn't supposed to be as cold as it was yesterday and today. Today it got into the upper teens...too cold! We were both very thankful to not have to head out this morning. Tomorrow it is supposed to be around freezing...a heat wave compared to today and yesterday! Woody is settled on his couch/bed hoping for a good night's sleep. I have dressed a new wound on his arm...he scraped it the other day. I think that it is healing okay, but it will probably be good that he has a wound care appointment on Friday. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! 'Tis the season!

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