I thought that I was better, but after getting home from the church my eyes started itching and my nose started running and I started sneezing again...this is definitely like an allergy attack. I grabbed up my allergy medication that I had run out of and quickly took it and "things" seem to have calmed down. Not what I need at the moment...too much to do since it is 'tis the season!
Woody ran errands (Credit Union, WalMart and Kroger) after he spent time with Elijah (after Elijah's school time with me). School went pretty much as normal...Elijah, Esther, Joy, and then Abigail had sewing. Abigail finished Joy's placemat today. So she will start on her last one tomorrow...Esther's. When she gets finished with Esther's she will have made six. Graham made his own. When I was finished with Abigail's sewing lesson, Woody had returned from grocery shopping. He was feeling a bit done-in so I put away most of the groceries. Then I grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed off to the church library. We were in decorating mode in the library today. After several hours of work, the library looks quite festive.
Tonight's picture is what Nathan and Kathy and family's Christmas tree lights look like through some special glasses they have (a bit like 3-D glasses but you don't have to look through both lenses to get this special effect). I put a lens of the glasses over my camera lens and took a picture. The lights turn into snowmen! If you turn your head to one side the snowmen turn that way too...if you stand on your head so do the snowmen...I took the children's word for the latter!
Not sure when I will be blogging tomorrow night. Woody and I will be attending the 11th annual Deacon-Widow Christmas Banquet so either I will be blogging early or late.
How fun the lights are! Are they made to work with the glasses, or do the glasses just happen to do that to regular lights?