Sunday, November 27, 2011

First Sunday in Advent: Candle of Prophecy

Today is the first Sunday in Advent and Nathan and Kathy and family lighted the first candle: the candle of prophecy. I like having my little camera in my purse, as I didn't know that they were doing this today, but was still able to snap a few pictures. Woody and I sit on the back pew so...Grammy was able to stand up and take a few pictures and not bother others. After the early service, Woody and I both went to our Sunday School classes. I'm guessing that Woody let his co-teacher do most of the talking as his voice still isn't very strong. I taught my Sunday School class. We came home and had a lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon. At least it was lazy till I got a call from Kathy saying that Nathan was on the way to the emergency room with Elijah. He had gotten his eye hurt in the church nursery that morning and was going to go get it checked out. He has a very bad laceration of the cornea that goes into the white part of his eye too. He isn't opening either of his eyes for the time being. I went over and took care of him while they went to church tonight. Woody also went to church. Elijah was pretty restless as he can't run and get his energy out the way he is used to doing. He wants to and then realizes that he can't see! He asked me a couple of times to turn on the lights. The doctor said that in a few days his eye should be healed. It is amazing how quickly an eye can heal...praising God for that! He and I sat in the rocking chair and I told him stories and said nursery rhymes with him. But he did want to get up and play with his cars and trucks. He attempted to play with them a couple of times, but it just wasn't as much fun since he couldn't see. I took him a treat of our special jello salad from Thanksgiving dinner and a small piece of pumpkin pie with whip cream. He enjoyed that and snacked a bit more. He had missed a meal and snacks due to naps and his ER visit and was trying to make those meals up this it was something to do that he could do with his eyes shut...though his grammy did feed him! I'm off to get the school room cleaned up and ready for tomorrow. I didn't clean up after their Thanksgiving art lesson on Thursday since I was getting ready for our Friday family Thanksgiving celebration. It was a cleaning/straightening job that could wait till after our celebration and I haven't had the umph to do it now it is time that it should wait no longer to be done! It started raining last night sometime after midnight and it has hardly let up since. Weatherbug says that we have received 2.17" so far today. I know that it was soggy under the stepping stones as I walked over to Nathan and Kathy's earlier. We're so glad that our roof is done as it is supposed to rain tomorrow too (the day they said that they were coming to do the roof...but showed up on Thanksgiving instead).

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