Saturday, November 12, 2011

View From Our Porch

At least this was the view from a porch a couple of days ago. The oaks are really beautiful right now. We have less leaves today thanks to Nathan's hard work. He spent a good portion of the day blowing leaves from his properties and ours. Woody spent a lot of time mulching the leaves with the lawnmower...that was his major exercise today...he said that was enough exercise for the day! Woody went to WalMart and then came home and picked up Esther and took her to Kroger with him. When they got home from the grocery store they found out that Esther's family was home. They ended up coming home late last night rather than waiting till today. So Esther headed home thus ending our sleep-over! Graham came over and spent some time with us. After he had been here for a time, he realized that it was the "Build and Grow Program" at Lowes...but Graham remembered too late and Goosey forgot until he was reminded. They hadn't thought about it since they weren't supposed to be home to go to it. Woody waited for me to finish a book before he headed off to the library. He was talking with several of the grandchildren and asked if any of them wanted to go to the library and got three takers...Joy, Esther, and Elijah. So he gathered up car seats and the children and headed off. Graham and Abigail stayed here. Abigail came over and read me a story and then I read her one. Graham watched a favorite PBS show and then entered a K' contest guessing how many pieces it took to make a certain structure. This afternoon, I finally made the potato soup that I had been wanting to make. I finally had all the ingredients after Woody went to the grocery store today. After I got that made and sampled a bowl of it (worth waiting for!), I was ready for a rest and flopped in the recliner upstairs and started reading my next book. Read for a while and then took a short nap. Woody took breaks from mulching and watched some football this afternoon.

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