Monday, November 14, 2011

Disappointing Day...for me at least!

Well, no workers, no work on heat pump, no shingles delivered. This just rolled off Woody's back...but for me when I gear up for is hard to gear down! We received a call this before 8 this morning from the heat pump workers that they were a day behind. Well, that is all good and well...BUT surely they knew Friday when they completed their day that they were a day I feel that we should have been called Friday evening and not early this morning. Then we were told last week by the roofers that our shingles would be delivered today...hasn't happened and it is pretty dark to back up our narrow driveway this evening. I don't know if they are going on weather report for tomorrow which is for rain and thus didn't deliver because they assume that they won't be roofing tomorrow. Anyway, no call from them. Anyway, I have not been the happiest of campers today.

Woody has gone to Monday night prayer meeting at church and I forgot to ask him before he left as to how far he walked today. He has done a lot of leaf blowing and leaf mulching with the lawn he has gotten quite a bit of exercise today. I had school with Elijah, Esther and Joy and then had sewing with Graham. Graham finished his "Compost Boy" placemat today. This afternoon Abigail came over to read to me and for me to read to a point Joy and Graham joined her for the listening to stories part. I took down our shower curtain today and ran it through the wash with some towels and then let it drip dry. I then mended a tear in the vinyl (I have a special teflon foot that lets vinyl slide under the sewing machine foot). I then headed off to try to find some new shower curtain rings that would slide better along the rod. I was successful and have the curtain hanging back up and it does slide better. I also bought an a seamstress I go through irons way too quickly. I have bought many expensive irons over the past years to not have them last long enough (in my opinion) so decided to just try a middle of the road iron this time. Time will tell if I like it, but it is better than the one that I had that had decided to spit some ugly colored water at very inappropriate times.

It has been quite windy has been raining leaves. Woody had the whole front yard blown free of leaves earlier today and by this afternoon it was totally covered with leaves once again. It has been unseasonably warm today...I feel the predicted storms in the air and in my bones.

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