Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Checking His Swing

Today for Elijah's long time Woody decided that he wanted to check to see if Elijah was swinging level.  So he engaged me as the videographer and he got the pitching machine cranked up and I videoed Elijah hitting.  Woody came to the conclusion that Elijah swings level most of the time.  After Elijah hit several rounds of balls with the pitching machine, he came back in and I put him to work on some domino challenges.
He made dominoes knock other dominoes down going up "steps" and down again.  We used my grandfather's blocks for the steps.  He tried doing some of his own configurations, also...some worked and some didn't!

Everyone else had their regular Tuesday of school.  Everyone is coming right along with their reading.  Esther and Elijah (and I) are enjoying the books that they are reading.  And, Isaac and Joseph are working hard on their reading skills.  Joseph is also working on math also.  Today he figured out how many units and tens there were in two digit numbers.  He did great!  Isaac is working on spelling which in turn is helping him with his reading.

I ate a quick lunch and then headed off to run errands and get a hair cut.  I stopped at the Post Office first and mailed a book to a favorite author of mine.  She has written several books about the Shakers and I had recently acquired a book about the Shakers' founder.  I had contacted the author through Facebook Messenger and she hadn't read it.  Once Woody and I had finished it, I told her that I would put it in the mail to her.  That was my first stop.  I then headed off and got my hair cut.  After that I went to Walmart and picked up a few things that I needed.  By the time that I got home it was time to fix supper.  Tonight I made chicken fricassee and homemade biscuits.  Of course, the recipe had to be adapted to Woody's dietary needs...not too hard to do with the chicken fricassee, but the biscuits were another story...can't use milk and can't use baking powder.  I found a recipe for "No Milk Biscuits" and then substituted baking soda and cream of tartar for the baking powder.  I used coconut oil for the fat.  They came out good enough for putting something saucy over...not the fluffiness biscuits, but adequate for the recipe!  It seems like I have been putting in lots of pictures of food lately...guess that 
is what you get now that the kitchen is finished...no more kitchen progress pictures so now pictures of what is being made in the kitchen!  It was pretty tasty despite no salt, no butter, no milk/cream!  We just make do with what we have to use and not use!  Now...I have to clean up the mess I made!

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