Friday, September 13, 2019

Liquid Gold on Friday the 13th

Woody headed off to do our grocery shopping fairly early this morning.  I sort of lazed around this morning since I didn't have to get up and get going.  When Woody got home, I brought the groceries in from the car with Nathan's help.  He happened to be outside so helped unload the trunk.  What would have been multiple trips out to the car for me, we ended up doing in one trip!  Thanks, Nathan! I got everything put away and decided that I would go on and start some cooking.  I decided that inwouodngoi on and roast one of the chickens that Woody bought (It was buy one get one free.). I had been wanting to roast a chicken using the temperature probe and the roast setting with the convection oven.  I don't think that I got the probe placed correctly as it said it was done much too soon.  I replaced the probe and cooked it longer.  I was finally satisfied that it was done.  I sliced as much of the chicken as I could so Woody can have sandwiches with it.  I also got a good amount of chicken pieces that I will use either in soup or a chicken and rice casserole.  After all that I plopped the bones in my stock pot and cooked the bones along with some veggies for quite a few hours and made chicken stock aka liquid gold.  It is cooling in the fridge and once it is cold and the fat is solidified I will take the fat off the top and then put it in two cup containers to freeze to use in various recipes that I make.  The chicken stock is one of the ways that I add some protein to Woody's diet and of course homemade broth just adds good flavor to lots of recipes.  Using my homemade helps us control any added salt...which I add none.  It is hard to keep away from salt...even most chickens have a salt solution added to them to ensure tenderness.  We managed this time to find chickens with no saline solution added to them.  Much better for our kidneys!

Woody rested for a few minutes after he got back and then headed off to run errands with his friend.  He was gone several more hours doing that.

We have had supper this evening.  And, I just about have the kitchen cleaned up...still a few more dishes to add to the dishwasher and then I will close down the kitchen for the evening!

I had planned to do several more things today...both cooking and things around the house...but those will have to wait for another day!  I guess I'll be like Scarlett and say, "Tomorrow is another day!"

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