Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Fowl Day!

Another one of the posts that it won't let me align to the left...oh, well... Today, Cheryl, Julianna and I went to the library and you can't imagine all the peacocks and peahens that we saw...but of course I didn't take my we left a bit early to pick up Corbin at school and stopped back by the library to see if I might still get a peacock picture or two. There weren't as many around, but this one fella was quite interested in his reflection in the car...he was pecking at it...well, really hammering at this car...I'm sure that there must have been dents in it by the time he was through and he didn't mind several people who were trying to get him away. He has quite a loud call and his little lady friends came strutting along when he called! The library has quite a time with the peacocks...we saw why this afternoon! He was pretty though!

I talked to Woody a couple of times today...I managed to catch him on his breaks from doing yardwork. He did tell me that he thought that his sinus infection might be coming back now that he had finished one of his medications. He also thinks that one or a combination of the medications raised his blood pressure. I'm guessing that there will be another call into the doctor.

A little more normalcy for me...I got several books from the library...I haven't read since flying out here on the back into a reading mode...perhaps.

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