This little toad was caught by a couple of our grandchildren yesterday. I wonder what the little critters think when they are captured by these little hands! Yesterday Joy and Elijah put this toad in this bucket. When Abigail and I were heading into their house, this is where we found him...balancing on the edge. He was facing toward the door. Kathy said that if the toad jumped into the house I had to catch him! Not me! We moved in quickly! When I came out little toad had managed to turn himself least not facing the door. He was still hanging on for dear life (probably wondering what he had done to get into this predicament!). When next I passed, he was gone...escaped! Toads and frogs...BEWARE...if you jump into our neighbor's yard or even in ours...there are lots of little hands to catch and release and watch frog and toad jumps and feigns!
We have had a fair share of rain today (.64")...made our new plants very happy...not too much at this point. We are due for more severe storms during the night and tomorrow. They predict that conditions are "right" for tornadoes...hope that the meteorologists are wrong.
After the rains, Woody took advantage of the wet earth and did some weeding in the gardens. He is trying to rid our garden of the violets that continue to pop he is digging down to get the rhizomes. He walked to the prayer room late this afternoon. He has read and worked on a crossword puzzle.
I went to my favorite sewing store and got several suggestions as to what to do to get Nathan and Kathy's sewing machine (my old machine) running again. And...SUCCESS!!!! When I left this afternoon it was sewing once again. I have tried to get reservations at the hotel in Bethesda, MD...but today's operator couldn't find the NIH rates for the hotel so I will try again tomorrow.
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