Friday, August 30, 2013

One Just Can't Depend on Good Help These Days!

Oops! We forgot to head next door when it was time to grandchildren sit! Woody was reading and watching the news and I was upstairs working on my project of the up the sewing room and rearranging just a bit. When I was putting things away that had gotten strewn about, I came upon a folder from that I had been scanning photos from a while ago...that project had gotten set aside and the folder was still in the sewing room. So I decided that I would complete the scanning project before I put the folder away (and never got back to scanning these photos!). The last photo that I came upon was a class photo of my third grade class. I scanned it and then decided to post it on Facebook. Well...then I decided to tag all the people that I knew in the picture(knew most...but was aided with name spelling and a bit of a jog of memory by a hand-written (by the teacher) list of all the students in the room...I'm pretty sure that it was a list given out at Valentine's Day. Anyway...I got "lost" in posting and didn't realize what time it was till two little munchkins came in to see where we were!!!!! THEN I looked at the clock! Uh...oh! At least we live close. Woody is reading them bedtime stories. I went over and was given the job of untying a knot...found out that Elijah is a pretty good knot tier! Guess he would make a good sailor! I snapped a quick prove that we did show up for our "job" and then came back here to blog. Woody went to the chiropractor this morning. Then after lunch he and Elijah went to the grocery store. I had a sewing lesson with Esther. She learned how to back stitch today. She's doing great with her hand sewing as the others are doing with their machine sewing. Oh, and, we haven't lost the other two grandchildren who aren't in the picture...Isaac is still asleep from a late nap (wonder if he will sleep tonight!) and Graham is at a birthday party.

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