Thursday, October 17, 2024

Look Who Is 21!

Today is Abigail's "real" birthday. I wished her a happy birthday on her party day this past Saturday. So she gets a double wish on my blog! Look how happy a 21-year-old is with a dryer for a gift!!!! I texted with Abigail today and they didn't get to be able to move in to their new home today...her birthday wish! They do have their water hooked up. But now they are waiting on an electric meter...might not happen till next week. She says that it is "ok" but I know that they have to be a little disappointed. Today has been another cooler day...starting out around 32° and the high only got to the lower 60s. Yesterday, figuring that it might get cold enough to get the basil and the coleus, I trimmed a few stems from each and brought them in to root. The question is...will they make it through the winter so I can plant them next year. Depends on my dedication to watering them over the winter! Today was another day to take it easy around the house...trying to get up some energy in these cooler temperatures. It seems that my mind (and body) just wants to sit and read. So read I did! I finished a book that I started a couple of days ago. It was a fast read. I have also been reading on a nonfiction book that is NOT fast reading. I did do a load of wash and have just about gotten it all put away...still a few pieces spread out on the couch to take upstairs the next time I go up. Tomorrow will be an early day out and about. I have an early appointment with my personal care physician in the morning. I will have to leave the house much earlier than I would choose normally! And, tomorrow's low is supposed to be 33°...definitely I would rather stay all wrapped up in my afghan in my recliner. But guess I will HAVE to make myself get up and out the door! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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