Thursday, July 18, 2024

Can’t Remember What I Was Going to Title This!

I told Cheryl what would be a good title for tonight's blog and we both laughed...but...can neither of us think what I, it may have been something about being alert to spotting tonight's photo's subject matter crossing the least awake enough to see it, run into the house and grab a camera and get back in time to catch a photo before it disappeared. This critter was in our neighbor's front yard...not mine! So one good photo capture from the front porch. After our armadillo sighting, we watered. We did more porch sitting this afternoon as it turned out to be a very nice day...good porch sitting weather. We filled bird our squittels are happy once again! Our delivery of Brown Bread arrived...making for a complete New England Baked Bean Dinner. Before we had our late supper, I pulled out with a rake the rest of the leaves that had piled up around the pots on the is looking better and ready for the next step in getting the herb garden pots and beds looking better...a little more work to be done. After I did that clean up job, Cheryl and I went to Lowe's to return something and to get suet for the birds and "maybe" look at plants. Well, did the return, looked at plants, bought plants, but forgot the suet for the birds (we can make our 2nd run to WalMart and get the suet!). There was the nicest Lowe's helper and he suggested that we be sure to go check out the clearance. My comment to him that recently when I had checked they had all been dead. He said that we needed to check this time...and plants we found...and several plants followed us home...rescue plants that were really still in good shape..
We came home with what we thought was a good array and plan to plant them long as we can dig the holes! We came home for a late is cleaned...maybe we will finish the movie that we started to watch last night. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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