Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday…All Day

Today's first task was to get a grocery list together so I could do some Friday shopping...goal to get 4X fuel points. I saw several friends and also some acquainteances...who I didn't recognize as they were out of place from where I met them! Rarely do I go to the grocery store and not see someone who I when we lived in California...the opposite was true. The entire two years that we lived there, I think that I only one time I ran into someone I knew and that was at the of our neighbors. I never saw anyone in the grocery store that I knew in that time. Here I never think twice about seeing folk I know...whereas the thing that stands out in my mind when living in Sunnyvale is actually seeing someone one time. Tonight's photo is a memory from 13 years ago. It appeared on my Facebook feed today. I decided to share it with you. We were on the interstate in Virginia on our way back home from The National Institutes of Health where Woody was having a periodic check in with his medical team. I thought that this was an interesting sight tooling down the interstate next to us. I did some cooking after I got back from the store and got the groceries put away...some for things for me to eat and some preparation for food to make while Cheryl is here. I have also done some cleaning...trying to get Cheryl's room and bathroom ready...then if the rest of the house isn't "ready" it's okay since she will have her spot cleaned. I will go finish cleaning the shower when I finish with this. I seem to do a lot of spinning of wheels and not a lot of forward movement in getting ready. This morning I planted some green onions in my herb garden. This year my patio garden has been rather neglected. I have a really healthy basil plant that I got from Melany. I also have some lemon thyme, some volunteer dill, oregano that made it through the winter, and some rosemary. I used the rosemary in the rub that I put on the pork roast that I cooked today. I made gravy that I need for enchiladas and also for the meatballs that I made and items that I need to finish what I started a while we will have something to eat. I haven't planned the way I usually do. I'm sure that we won't starve!!!! I also made a gelatin salad for me to eat over the next few days. Food and cooking isn't real high on my list of what I am enjoying at the moment...though I did enjoy spending some time in the kitchen today. I thought that I was going to have a sewing job to do for a friend this evening, but in the end she didn't need me to do the task. Well, on to do a couple more things this evening and then am going to call it quits and head to my comfy chair and either stitch or read. I am nearing the end of a book and I only have a couple of days left to complete it before it is whisked back into I will probably read. I read this afternoon when I took a couple of breaks from my cooking...and when I discovered that I no longer was facing a sewing task! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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