Friday, July 26, 2024

The Eye is Miraculous!

Can you believe it...but my cornea surface had healed by this morning and the doctor removed the contact bandaid. We are still not sure what caused "my problem." I did move involuntarily once during the start of the laser part of the surgery which might have caused the abrasion. But I also have very dry eyes and they I frequently have an occurance of my eyelids sticking to my eyeball which really hurts and I have always wondered if that didn't injure the surface of my it might be a combination. But I guess that the upper layer of the cornea got messed up pretty badly. But the doctor did whatever he needed to do...then popped a contact on the eye to act as a bandaid and today when he took it off the surface had healed. I'm glad that eyes heal so quickly. My first eye that was operated on (right eye) could see 20/30 better than 20/20. The newly operated on eye has a ways to go, but I can see more clearly all the time...still blurry, but a lot less blurry than last night or this morning. He was pleased with how well I healed and I will go back to see him in a week. I will be finished with drops in the right eye after tonight's drops. Then I will concentrate just on the left eye. I am to add in a couple of extra steroid drops during the day to help get the swelling down. The swelling is also much better today than yesterday or the day before. So major progress. The right eye is compensating for the left and I can see very well when looking off at a distance. I am doing very little activity with my eyes t the moment...not much on the iPad, not much reading, not any stitching. He told me today that he will help me figure out what strength reading glasses I will need once my eyes have healed. Cheryl and I ran errands after my appointment. We went to the Credit Union. I turned in a little over $20 in change that I had accumulated in containers on my dresser...first time that I had used the machine to count change. I also transferred Alex's birthday present to his account. I forgot last night to wish Alex a happy birthday! Happy late birthday, Alex! We went to Hobby Lobby to buy each other our Fall decorative gifts...this way we won't have to mail them to each other! By this time it was lunch time so we came home, ate lunch, and regrouped. Nathan, Kathy, Joy, Esther, Elijah, Isaac, and Joseph stopped by for a short visit. Nathan did a couple of sonny-dos. Later in the afternoon, we went to WalMart to get a few things needed to feed the birds and a few things for ourselves...including the flag in this photo. We stopped at Kroger to get one item for our supper either tomorrow or Sunday. We are now home and settling in for the night. We did get bird feeders filled. And, the birds were having quite a feast as the evening drew to a close. The birds have discovered that our dining area is once again open and they seem very happy...of course so do the squirrels! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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