Monday, July 1, 2024

This and That as July Begins!

Today didn't have the best start as I had a rough night with bad leg cramps in both legs...they would go away and then come back. I ate a banana and will eat another one tonight before I go to bed! I tried several things in the middle of the night hoping to have them go away...from drinking some pickle juice, drinking some coke, using a heating pad...all things that have been suggested to me at other times...tried them all out...hoping! They finally went away when I got up and walked around and just stayed up. I have dozed a couple of times this afternoon, but never for long. I'm just hoping that they will stay away tonight! Cheryl suggested that maybe I had worn a different shoe and I had yesterday...a very flat maybe? I wore my padded sandles today...which my feet are used to. Fingers crossed for a better night tonight! My goal today was to do some more notifying and getting "things" in my name. My first venture was to the Credit Union. The process is started. They now know that he has died, but I have not removed his name from the account yet since there may be checks that might come in his name. So once there is no more possibility of anything coming in h is name, then I will have them take his name off the account. The process is at least started there. After I did that and it didn't take too long, I decided to go on to the utility company and have the account put in my name. Once again, a very easy process...only took a few minutes and that task was completed. My two accomplishments for today! This evening I went to Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting. I am home and settled in for the night. I have already gotten the kitchen cleaned up. So I think that it is time to head to my recliner and relax and hopefully either stitch or read befoe I fall asleep. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Oh, I did miss a call from Alive Hospice, checking on us and told me to call if any of us need to talk with anyone.

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