Friday, July 5, 2024

House’s House Paid a Visit to My House!

Nathan and Abigail paid me a visit in the camper that Abigail and Payton are living in presently. Nathan told me yesterday that he might stop by and help go through some of Woody's things. He brought Abigail along. We attacked his closet that is in my sewing room and got it all cleared out. Went through and sorted into throw out, donate, and keep piles. And, just before lunch the closet was emptied and vacuumed. Now I can move my fabric stash, that hangs in Nathan/guest room closet, can now be moved to the sewing room. One of the things found was many, many, many years of checkbook registers. And, I have discovered that it is true that what is important to you can be found out by looking at your checkbook. I have had fun looking through them and notating when we purchased certain things. I will not hold onto these...just enjoyng the many memories that were brought back when looking through them. I have a few more to look through and then that task will be complete...till we uncover the next pile...newer registers that are in his dresser drawers. The ones we found today are more intersting as they were the ones that dated way back to the 80s and 90s. My sewing and needlework interests show through these registers all the way back then as did Woody's hobbies of coin collecting, the Cardinals, etc. Nathan, Isaac and Joseph came back with their truck this afternoon and hauled off the donated items to The Attic Outlet. So a job well done...more to filter through, but that was a big job. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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