Tuesday, July 2, 2024


I decided that it was time to find a barn picture to post...had to go back in my "barn archives!" I don't think that I have ever posted this one, but even if I have, probably you don't remember, if I don't! I continue to keep on keeping on...doing a little of this and a little of that. This morning I started doing preliminary work on the last book order that I made for the church library, as Donna and I planned to work our "usual" Tuesday afternoon. Of course, here of late, "usual" Tuesday afternoons have had to be put off due to one thing or another. I made the book order a month or so back...so it took a while to get time to work on these new books. A little later in the morning, Ruth called and asked if she could stop by. We had a nice visit and ended it with her helping me get my gardens watered. After lunch, I did manage to head to the library for the first time in a while. Donna and I got to work on the new books. She entered them in the computer and I turned in the bill to the church and then replaced books in empty slots in our window display and straightened books on the shelves and moved books from the new shelf to the regular shelving in order to make more room for newer books. It will still be a couple of weeks till these books are ready for the shelves, but we made a good start on processing them. I ran off the labels for the new books so they will have time for the ink to dry before we start putting them on the books and their cards and book pockets, etc. So the first steps have been done, just waiting for our next work session. Donna and I had a good time catching up with each other along with getting library work done. I was pretty tired by the time I got home so just sat for a while and probably dozed a bit before I got up and got something to eat for supper. I, also, keep hearing from friends via phone, cards, emails, texts, etc. Some I hear from regularly and others I haven't heard from in a long time...always good to hear from friends and catch up. Tomorrow promises to be a busy day, too...several things planned along with making potato salad for our family 4th of July cookout at Nathan, Kathy, and family's. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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