Monday, July 29, 2024

Things Are Hopping Around Here!

First thing hopping is my new bunny lamp. I think that some in the family are wondering about my choice...but I really like this new touch on my end table in my bedroom. Just a fun, whimisical touch! He hopped here via FedEx today. So, after lunch, Cheryl and I enjoyed opening up his box and freeing him. Our majoy accomplishment of the day was getting the car title transferred over to me. That went easy peasy. We got registration papers to put in the glove compartment and the new title will come in the mail in a few days. While we were in Manchester and in the shopping center that houses most of our county offices, we dropped into the registrar of deeds to see if I have to do anything with our house and the lot behind of that we own jointly. We were told that I don't have to do anything with that...but then the girl said that, "at least she didn't think I did." So I will check into that further. We continue to go through things. The garbage can is pretty full for this week's pick up! I will be glad when it is picked up so I can put what won't fit in now, in it after it is empty again! Nathan, Kathy, and all the grandkids showed up late this afternoon to say good by to Auntie Cheryl. We decided to get pizza and feed the crew, as they have been without electricity for a good part of the afternoon. All but Nathan, Elijah, Isaac, and Joseph have left. The ones still here are watching the Olympics. Woody had quite a collection of 3-D puzzles...enough to give to the grands, who want one. So they had fun all spread out on the family room floor trying to solve them. I know that several left with a puzzle in their hand...I am wondering if there will be any left when the last leave! Cheryl is all packed. Her flight leaves Nashville tomorrow evening. Melany is going to see that she gets to the airport in time to check in. She has gotten her boarding pass. So I guess the inevitable leaving is going to happen. It will be pretty quiet around here when she is gone! Once again, I can say that my eye sight continues to improve. My new left eye is seeing very well now...and, I am not missing wearing glasses...except when I attempt to try to read...and this print that I am following while writing the blog isn't all that clear...readers in my future! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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