Friday, July 19, 2024


We have had another busy day...a little porch sitting, a little gardening, a little cooking, a little visiting, a little napping. And, absolutely delightful weather. Our high was 77°! We had light rain off and on. We finished up one gardening task in the a little wet! We're almost finished with the patio-herb garden and Cheryl planted several of the plants we bought at Lowe's yesterday. We still have a couple of those to plant. I baked the cookies that I made the dough for last night. After the cookies were done, I baked a ham for the meal with the Proctors tomorrow. We still have a salad to put together this evening. We both sat down after lunch and dozed off in our chairs for a while. I guess getting ready for our dinner engagement this evening. We went to Nathan, Kathy and family's farm for supper and a visit. Everyone was there except for Graham. He was working. We had a good supper, sat around visiting for a while, watched Payton and Abigail open a few more gifts, and then went out and looked around the farm at the animals and saw the current-temporary abode for Payton and Abigail while they are awaiting time to move into their own home. We had a good time. Now home and the next thing is to make the salad for tomorrow...chop! chop! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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