Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday Doings

Cheryl ws the hardest worker today. She got busy and planted the last of the plants that we bought at Lowe's. I think that she got six plants out of the three that were left. We have done some watering. This evening once it got a little cooler (a bit humid today), she got on to one of her last projects for her stay...the dirty inside of our car. It looks so much better! I did a little cleaning of the edges around the insides where it gets dirty and washing the car doesn't get to those spots. So...a much cleaner car! We had our special meal of her visit...a very good steak dinner with baked potatoes with the works, and cheesy garlic bread. We're still very full and we ate mid afternoon. I did take a rather long snooze after the meal and Cheryl a bit shorter one! My eyes continue to see better. The newest one still isn't quite there yet...but getting much better each day and I feel no evidence of Wednesday's eye injury. I continue with my drops and hopefully my eye continues to heal...figure that since I can see out of it is good evidence that it is healing! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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