Saturday, July 13, 2024

Getting Ready

I've spent most of the day doing a little of this and a little of that getting ready for Cheryl's upcoming visit. I watered plants first thing, as another hot day was predicted. I came in and wrote more funeral notes thanking friends for their kindnesses shown during this time in our lives. Marie called to say that she was going to take a meal to one of our class members who recently got out of the hospital. I told her I would make something to go with what she was making. I worked on getting the guest room ready for Cheryl's arrival on Tuesday. Her bed is made except for the bedspread, which is in the getting closer to being ready. I didn't do any cooking for "company" today. I plan to "perhaps" make Fresh Tomato Enchilada Sauce tomorrow afternoon. I still have a little clean up to do in the kitchen. But mostly I am through with "doing" more for today. I did stop for a while this afternoon and took a refreshing nap. Nathan stopped by and took my car for an oil change (a message showed up that it was time to change oil soon) that sonny-do job is done. Marie picked me up and we delivered the meal. So it is back to the kitchen to clean up and then perhaps the bedspread may be dry and I can put it back on the bed...once that is done...Cheryl's room will be ready except for a "last-minute" vacuuming. Things are shaping up...and what doesn't get done...won't get done!!! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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