Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Breezy Day

This cardinal can attest to the breeziness of the day. I continued to play with my new toy, but did manage to do some other things around the house, too! I have watched YouTube videos about the camera...I wanted to learn more about setting up this camera. All buttons on the camera can be assigned pretty much whatever task I want to assign it...decisions, decisions! One of the time consuming things was getting my purchases registered. I did manage to get that task done and also got the wireless connection made between the new camera and the iPad. Now I am just trying to find what all this camera can do and how to do them! I did get three new lenses...not in the plan when I started making this order. BUT...when I chose the camera, a bundle possibility popped up that let you choose up to four lenses to add in with the camera at VERY reduced prices. To show you how much of the lenses that I chose actually cost -$2.01! That one I definitely couldn't resist! The other two weren't reduced quite that much, but were still drastically reduced. I had been wanting one of the lenses for some time. The three lenses are all prime lenses (one focal length rather than a zoom lens with multiple focal lengths). I still haven't tried these lenses on the new camera, but yesterday tried them on my other two mirrorless cameras. I am pleased with the way they worked on the older cameras so am sure that they will be even better on the new one. The big selling point of this camera is the focusing ability...and it is quite impressive. It actually will focus on a bird's eye and then lock in on its eye and keep the bird in focus while the camera can see it. I read several chapters in the book I'm reading. I only have a few more days to keep it till it is whisked back into cyberspace. It is one of the Cottey book club books so I want to finish it before it is taken away and I have to wait my turn for it again. I also started working on getting ready to decorate for Fall. Putting items away to make way for other things to be put on tables, shelves, etc. I have really been disappointed with the amount of rain that we have gotten...really we have gotten next to none. I "think" that we may still get some, but it weems like the storm dumped way too much south of us and ran out by the time it got to us! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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