Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Terrific Tuesday

I stayed busy most of the day except when I took an afternoon nap! As the photo shows, I got some of my outside Fall decorations out...which meant doing a bit of cleaning on the front porch...I got rather warm and tired from doing that. I haven't put anything fall on the tables, yet. I did clear one of the little side tables off. Combatted a few spiders and their webs...guess I could ignore webs considering the time of year...maybe they would be looked upon as part of the decorations! I've also started working on what I am going to put on the mantle. I plan to work more on that after I blog and clean up the kitchen. I decided that today was the day to make the gravy for the meatballs in the freezer. (I made the meatballs before Cheryl came and put them in the freezer to be able to ave them while she was here...well, we never got to them.) Today I browned onions, carrots and celery to give the gravy some good flavor and color...so it wasn't just a one step process...several pots and pans were involved with the making. It was worth the effort as the gravy was very flavorful. I got the gravy made, popped in the frozen precooked meatballs and let it all simmer till the meatballs were thawed and heated through. While they were warming through I cooked noodles to serve the meatballs and gravy over. I enjoyed a good late lunch. After the effort of cooking and the effects of the meal, I needed a nap! So nap I did. Ater my nap, I got busy again and finished the work, for today, on my front porch. I also swept and sprayed off the spring/summer doormat. It's drying on the ramp. Since I sprayed off the door mat, I watered some in the front. Definitely the gardens have seen better days. The new garden at the head of the driveway is still looking good, but the others are fading fast. I did manage to read a couple of chapters in my current book when taking a break. I rounded up a few more items to give Nathan and Kathy for a yard sale that is coming up. I "think" that the family room is pretty much cleared of medical things now. At this point in the day, I am ready to wind down. I still have part of the mess in the kitchen, as I need to empty the dishwasher so I can reload it. There are several pots and pans that will have to be handwashed...so my kitchen duties aren't quite over. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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