Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday Samplings

I started out my morning upstairs...attempting to address the papers of Woody's...what to keep amd what not to keep...that done...I finally had the last stack of papers off my cutting board. I then worked some more on my thank you notes. One of the main plans that I had today was to water the back herb gardens and the new flower garden at the head of the driveway. I had two of the plants that Cheryl and I bought while she was there that needed to be transplanted. I accomplished that and watered the newly transplanted plants again. One of the lantanas that Cheryl and I planted in one of the gardens in the front yard, just hadn't done well in the place we chose. I decided to plant it in the new garden where the other two lantanas that we bought that day had thrived. I hope that this one will take root and get established before cold temperatures set in. The other one that I transplanted was a gerber daisy that we put in a pot. I decided that I wanted it to get established in the ground, again, before cold temperatures. Both the lantana and the gerber can be perennials in our climate...depends on the severity of the winter. We have very good luck having gerber daisies survive the winter. Tonight's photo shows how well the lantana are doing in the new garden. I took a few pictures and then went back inside. The weather has been absolutely beautiful today. Our high was around 76° and the humidity was low, too. The feeling of Fall was definitely in the air. I made an old favorite soup recipe: Stuffed Spud Soup. I made just a half recipe...trying to learn how to cook for one! I enjoyed it for a late lunch. Connie and I chatted on the phone this afternoon and caught up. Sometime during the afternoon, I caught a nap...or maybe two! I'm getting ready to work some more on my cross stitch piece and will probably read a little, too, before the evening draws to a close. I had planned to do some wash and feed the birds. The wash may still get done tonight, but the birdies will have wait till tomorrow. To be continued. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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