Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday Rambles

Well, I didn't ramble all that far, but did head out late morning to run a few errands. I made a stop at the Credit Union, Hobby Lobby and Kroger. I looked around in Hobby Lobby...perhaps trying to get inspired to start my Fall decorating. I got the three things that I went in for and then checked out Fall and a little Christmas (not really in the Christmas mood yet). I only needed a few things at Kroger so that wasn't a long trip. My food shopping has changed so much now that I am just cooking for one and because I have quite a bit to choose from in the freezer. I just needed a few staples and some fresh fruits and vegetables. So I was in and out and only had to carry a few grocery bags into the house and had very little to put away. I ate a late lunch due to my errand supper was just a snack. I have done some more reading. I am almost half-way through the Cottey bookclub book. I went through some more of Woody's notes that I found. I keep telling myself that I want to do a little sewing, but always seem to find something else to do instead. One of the things that I bought at Hobby Lobby I need when I finish the wall hanging that I plan to make...maybe now I will go on and work on it?!? At least when it is finished, I will be able to hang it up! Maybe tomorrow!?! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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