Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday Muddlings

Today, I have done a little of this and a little of that. This morning I finished my little cross stitch piece that will become a Christmas gift. After lunch, I headed off to the lawyer's office and signed my will and a couple of powers of those documents are now legal. I am to go back tomorrow to pick up the original and copies...then that necessary task will be complete. I spent the afternoon doing some research on some items that I am considering purchasing...still thinking...think I will sleep on it and decide tomorrow! We had Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting this evening. I am home and settling in for the night. Our weather continues to give us promises of Fall, which is just around the corner. Delightful temperatures and humidity...I love this time of the year...except when I start thinking about the shorter days ahead! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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