Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday The Thirteenth

We're still waiting for the promised rain to fall...I did see a few sprinkles on the ramp this afternoon, but we NEED ever so much more than a sprinkle or two! I have done more camera experimenting today...taking pictures with different lenses and different settings on the camera. I foiled several spiders' plans of webs in various corners in the vacuum helped me with that task. I awoke way too early this morning. I got up and showered, got dressed, and sat back down in my upstairs recliner and went back to sleep for a little while. I considered going to the grocery store, but decided that it wasn't necessary today so decided to just stay home. My allergies were bothering me some for a while after lunch so I took another nap. Late afternoon, Nathan showed up with a new toy that he had gotten today...a small chain saw. He brought over here to cut some branches that were overhanging the roof near the chimney. He had been planning to cut them for a while, but knew that using his big chain saw that needed two hands to operate wasn't a good idea when he was up high on a ladder. I couldn't take a picture of him up on the ladder, as I was the one at the base of the ladder trying to not let it slip! So I took a prework shot of him...the first person I have taken with my new camera. He cut off limbs, took them to the brush pile out at the road, and emptied the wheelbarrow, or as Woody always called it, the yard bucket. I took the empty yard bucket out to the front yard and we both picked up branches that were blown down with the winds we have had the last couple of days. Lots of small branches down. There's still more to pick up, but we picked up quite a few of them. I did start Fall thing...I put up the new fall yard flag that Cheryl gave me while she was here. I thought that I would bring the decorations downstairs today, but at this point that hasn't happened. I have been working on finishing the book that I am reading...just one more chapter after I finish the one I am reading now. My plan is to finish the book tonight. I'm still hoping for rain over night. "They" say we will get some, but I have decided that it is best not to hold my breath waiting!!! As usual...time will tell! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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