Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday Comes After Monday!

It has been hard to realize that today is Tuesday after yesterday's holiday Monday. Today has been a "recovery" day after a busy Labor Day. Once again, I just didn't feel like doing much. I did get a request from my next door neighbor. She needed to take her older child to the doctor and her younger child was napping. So I went next door and read while the baby slept and they were at the doctor. It was a very quick appointment. I was hardly over there an hour. Since not a lot went on today, I will fill you in on yesterday's adventures. I made potato rolls to take to Nathan, Kathy, and family's Labor Day supper. I went over there late afternoon. We had a good time catching on what all had been going on...from Halo, the cow, about to deliver a calf, talk of college life from two of them, silly times from others (found out that one can Moon Walk), and a couple of hair cuts! I asked Joy if she was ready to give me a haircut and she agreed. I am pleased with the way she cut it. Good job, Joy. Nice to have a licensed cosmetologist in the family!!!!! Isaac decided that he wanted a haircut after mine was finished...so two of us were "sheared!" I left to come home before dark...but twilight was oncoming. I got home and opened the door and thought that there was a smell that didn't seem right...then I looked towards the kitchen and thought that it looked smokey, and then realized that the smoke alarm was beeping. Sort of a scary feeling! I headed toward the kitchen and when the light came on it didn't seem smokey...I checked and stove was turned off...went to the family room and sun porch/laundry room and all seemed ok. Went upstairs and checked all the rooms and all seemed okay. By this time I had called Nathan/Kathy and Nathan was heading my way. I went outside and walked around the house...looking up at the attic windows making sure that no smoke was coming from attic windows...or and sign of flames. I checked the garage. At that point all seemed fine. I went back inside and realized that the smokey look in the kitchen was due to the fact that the kitchen lights were out, but there was the blue glow of the Zevo flying insect trap that is plugged in there. I decided that was the cause of what I thought was a smoky haze. And, then the odd smell (might have been fireworks in the area...I heard a few later on) and the smoke alarm beeping added to the feel that there might be a problem. Nathan checked things out and agreed with what I had decided...that all was well. Then he headed out to buy new air filters for the upstairs return. So he put in the new filter and changed the batteries in the smoke alarm...which did not stop the beep...so we will be replacing the smoke alarm. I guess there is always something going on. But all's well that ends well! But that shake up may have made it harder to recover from yesterday's adventures! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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