Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thoroughly Thursday

I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to post a photo tonight. There has been an update to both my iPad and to the blog site...not sure which was giving me the trouble...but finally I was able to post part of what I did today...another corner of the kitchen. I have managed to clean all the counter top sections and put out a few fall decorations here and there. Maybe I will be able to get the rest of the decorations out in the dining room and the living room before the first day of Fall, which is Sunday. I got a call from a friend this morning suggesting we go out for lunch and I went. We had a good lunch and and a good visit. I watered the flowers and herbs in the back of the house this evening. We are still quite warm and VERY dry. When I got home from church, I got sidetracked and moved away from fall decorating for a while and decided that it was time to move some more of my cross stitch supplies down to the family room. I am using the cart from Woody's home peritoneal dialysis to put some of my supplies on...perhaps a photo for another blog. I have decided that I will mostly be stitching downstairs where the TV is so think that it will be good to have my supplies handy downstairs. I put away thread from my last project after I got my DMC cabinet downstairs and it was nice to be able to have the cabinet right in the room next to me instead of having to go upstairs to put thread away or get thread. I also brought the large basket of my project bags and put it on the bottom things that I am working on are here and I can switch back and forth. I found a tiny fall cross stitch piece that I think I will finish before I get back to stitching on one of my samplers. I haven't been doing a lot of stitching in the last few days...decorating has taken up some of that time and also I have been reading a little more. It is good to have a really clean kitchen so that is a good job done. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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