Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Technical Difficulties

Tonight's photo shows me with my very first digital camera...23 years ago, I think. I could go check, but too lazy! Woody had Nathan choose this one for me. This picture shows me in AZ checking it out. I can remember showing my father my digital and trying to show him how it worked. With all his cameras, he never went digital. If digital had become popular a little sooner, I have a feeling that he would have enjoyed digital. I'm not sure how many cameras have come in between this first one and the ones that I now use...I think 3 point and shoot cameras and two mirrorless cameras. I wore out the first one...well, it did get handed down to the grandchildren at a point. I wore out two of the point and shoot and the third point and shoot is struggling at the moment. Both my mirrorless cameras are still in use at times, but the first is pretty old. The second one I struggle at times with focus or so it seems lately. Last year Panasonic came out with a new mirrorless camera (micro 4/3 camera) that is supposed to have fanatastic focusing capabilities and I have been wanting to give it a try ever since it came out. That was the decision that I was making last night. When I got up this morning, I decided that it was a go and I was going to order it. Well, for a while, I wasn't sure that it would happen. I had all kinds of ordering problems with the site, where I bought my last 5 cameras. I got hung at the very end and it would never let me finalize the order without a message that I needed to call customer service to complete the order. I attempted to call customer service and I kept getting a failed call message. I was beginning to wonder if "it" was meant to be. Finally I did some live chatting and eventually they had someone call me to complete the order! (rolling eyes...big time!!) I'm almost to the point of wondering if I am going to be able to conquer the camera after so many technical difficulties with the order! I guess time will tell. If FedEx comes through, as they say they will, I will be posting a photo tomorrow night taken with the new camera. I'm exhausted after fighting with technology for so long today! I did find time after the order was complete to have lunch and eventually head off to the lawyer and pick up my will and powers of attorney. So that is another task ticked off my list of things to do. I scrounged around in the freezer, refrigerator and pantry and came up with ham stuffed potatoes for tonight's and another meal. Pretty good...a family favorite for many years. While the potatoes baked, I did some watering. Now I have had supper and am now settling in for the night. Tomorrow I will be sticking close to home till my FedEx delivery, as it has to be signed for. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious.

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