Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Like a Kid with a New Toy!

My camera order finally got here this afternoon around 1:30, but then I had to unpack the boxes and find the battery and get it in the camera and the camera plugged in so the battery could charge. I noticed that they charge light was off just a little before 5:00. I hurriedly put in a memory card and rushed outside to take a couple of quick pictures before I had to leave for Bible study. So you are seeing three of 7 pictures that I have taken so far...nothing has been done to them. I haven't really studied them and am wondering if they will load as they are a bigger format. I probably should have only put one on the blog tonight. I have one of my new lenses on the camera, too. It is a wide angle lens that is supposed to be really good at taking closeups. I knew that if I wanted to get a photo outside with the camera that I needed to do it before I got home...and, I was right...pretty much already dark at this point of the evening now. I did try out the new lenses on my other cameras...while I was waiting for the new member of my camera family to charge. I haven't had time to figure out how to transfer the photos wirelessly so I just took the memory card and used my card transfer that I have for my iPad. I will be playing with the camera after I post this tonight. I fed birds today so they and the rascally squirrels would start hanging around so I can use them for subjects of photos and check out the special focusing on this camera. Of course, whether I will be porch sitting tomorrow will depend on the weather. I'm not sure when Francine is planning to arrive for a visit and start raining on us. The rain will be very welcome. We may get some wind from what we get as Francine passes through so I decided that I should park the car in the garage. I may be confined to trying out the camera on objects in the house! I'm not going to write much more tonight as I need to see if these will post. I'm off to play with my new toy! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! In the end I just posted the first photo that I took with the new with three my words didn't post...but then maybe I should rethink...since a picture is worth a thousand words!!!!!

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