I started this blog to keep folk up to date on my husband's melanoma treatments. I have kept up daily blogs for 15 1/2 years…sometimes health related...sometimes just daily routine. June 16th Woody took his final breath in his long health battle. I have blogged for so long that it is part of my daily routine…so I guess I will continue with posts from me about how I cope with this new stage in my life…widowhood.
Saturday, July 30, 2022
A More Normal Day!
It was nice to have a more normal day. We both slept better last night. It was nice not to have someone coming to our door at 7am! Woody did quite a bit of napping throughout the day. He seemed more awake as the day went on. He has eaten better today...eggs for breakfast...meatloaf sandwich and a small helping of green beans and half of a peach for lunch. Then he had a peach shake for supper. That's the first time that he has had a shake in a while. I only used half of one of his high protein drinks so it wasn't too much for him to finish. I had frozen some slices of fresh peach to use in the shake. He was watching TV and playing solitaire when I came upstairs. I have spent a lot of time in the kitchen today...have dirtied up a lot of pots and pans. I have done everything from cooking fresh veggies to sautéing mushrooms to freeze for Woody's eggs to making chicken broth (I was out and was able to clear something out of the freezer...a chicken carcas...the last time I stewed a chicken, I didn't need broth so froze the carcus for the next time I needed some...and today was that day! My dishwasher is running and it will probably be filled up again once it is finished and I have emptied it. I still need to put together the ground pork and herbs, etc. to make Woody's breakfast sausage. I will just mix the meat mixture up tonight and let flavors blend overnight (in other words:I don't feel like making and cooking the patties tonight!). And, I need to put the cooked mushrooms into snack baggies and put them in the freezer...that way all I have to do is pop them in the frying pan and warm them up in the olive oil I cook his eggs in. So lots of cooking today, but will help me un the long run when I can pull some of these things out that are ready to use! It was good to do just what I felt like doing today and barely think about dialysis! I will get back to dialysis duties tomorrow when I make the batch of dialysate and make up packets of supplies for each day of next week. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Friday, July 29, 2022
Friday…At Last
I don't have a lot to say about today, except that I am glad it is Friday and that dialysis is sort of behind us for two days! The reason that I say it is "sort of" behind us is that I will have to make a batch of dialysate sometime on Sunday so we will have it on Monday. Our nurse will be back from vacation on Monday and we will stop our 7am starts and go back to 8:30am. "Things" went fairly well today...I only dropped a few things, etc., etc. It's making more sense...but once something starts making sense some other piece of information is added in to once again confuse the situation! I had to give him his iron injection today...it is administered through one of the lines while he is having dialysis...close to the end of the dialysis time. Woody isn't feeling the greatest tonight...he hasn't been getting sick lately...only once last week and then twicr today. I wish I could remember which day he got sick. I am wondering if it was the day that he got iron last week. I'm wondering if that injection made him get nauseous. I will note what happened today and see if it happens again next week on the day he gets iron. We did discover that the barch leaked when we were finished today. It didn't sound an alarm. Now I'm wondering what I might not have tightened enough...the nurse couldn't find the problem. So we don't know if it wqs my fault or just a quirk. But I will be sure to doiboe check every connection that I make to see that they are tight. There are just TOO MANY things to keep track of. We were supposed to get a welcoming call from the folk that make the dialysis machine. The call came through, but we were in the midst of a step that wouodn't let us answer the phone. The nurse called them and arranged for this call to come at a later time today, but it never rang again. I finally decided that they weren't going to call today so made a quick trip to the store down the street and got the ground pork that I use to make Woody's breakfast sausage. Woody decided it was time to move to the couch while Inwas gone and he has been asleep since I got back. He even slept through a visit with Nathan and Kathy. Nathan removed the squirrel from our chimney flue. Yay! Thanks, Nathan! And,mwe stood in the family room looking ar dialysis equipment and supplies and talked about dialysis and to my knowledge, he doesn't know that they were here. I'll find out when I go downstairs...that is, if he is awake. I did actually pick up my stitching and put in a few stitches just before I decided to blog. I haven't felt like stitching since dialysis training/duties began. Hopefully we can both get rested over the weekend on our "break." Once we are on our own we won't have two days in a row. We will choose the days we want to have off. At the moment, we know that we want Sunday off and then probably Wednesday, as that will split the week up best...it's best for a dialysis patient to have fairly regular treatments without a long gap (even 2 days) between treatments. We are on a 5 day in a row schedile now because of the work week for the nurses. Once we are on our own it is up to us how to get his 5 days of dialysis in each week. He is on the dialysis machine for a little more than 3 hours each treatment...but there are a lot of other things that go on before and after that it makes the time longer...at least for me! It is definitely an "experience" that we never dreamed that we would be having. My mind continues to be boggled at all there is to do...from set up to take down to maintenance...and, on and on! Since we are in our own home we don't have to mask the whole time...though, the poor nurse does have to. But I have found out that it is probably best to just stayed masked, because then I don't have to remember the times when I have to mask! One less thing to have to remember! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Thursday, July 28, 2022
First Day in Home
Well, that first day of doing hemodialysis at home has come and gone. And, we both survived! We had a few glitches due to getting equipment set up...like the iPad and the dialysis machine connecting to one another. Our nurse made a couple of calls to tech folk and got them resloved enough for us to proceed! Tomorrow I am to get things started to a certain point before thr nurse gets here...little by little the process is getting turned over to me. What I'm doing tomorrow doesn't have anything to do with connecting Woody to his machine...just getting us up to that point. Tomorrow will mark the first time we have gotten five treatments in in a week. We're both ready for two days off! I would say that both of us were tired after today's treatment. I know that I took a good enough nap that I woke up at 6:40 and thought that it was tomorrow morning...and that I hadn't gotten Woody's breakfast and also had to start setting up the machine before the nurse got here at 7am...luckily it was still today! Now to remember to set the alarm for waking up at the right time in the "real" tomorrow! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Out With the Old…In With the New!
It has been quite a day! We headed out bright and early for our last day of training at the center. Not long after I got Woody's dialysis going, our Fresenius pick-up called to say that he would be at our house in 20 minutes. Perfect timing...I headed off and got home about 5 minutes before the truck pulled up in front of our house. The boxes were out of the house very quickly and once the pallet was out of the driveway, I was on my way back. I wasn't even gone an hour. Once again, Woody's treatment went well. When he was finished we got the machine ready to be brought to us. That was also a quick job...no more than 15 minutes. One of my jobs before tomorrow was to make a batch of dialysate...that was an adventure...first, I didn't have the bag that it is made in. So I had to call our nurse so she could tell our PD nurse what I needed and then I headed off to the center (we only thought that this morning was the last time for a while of us going to the center! I got what I needed and headed home to make the first batch on my own! That was interesting to say the least...Woody not happy with the instructions! In the end I guess I had to call the nurse twice about the process...first off was how to turn it on...as it had always been on when I had done it at the center and the on/off button was hidden...I finally found it with the nirse directing me over the phone and me getting down on my knees! Then there was one other place that the directions confused me by asking me to take something off...something that we take off earlier in the process and I didn't know what that was called! We finally got the batch making! It takes 6-7 hours...to fill the bag with 25 liters of cold water and then for it to heat up. It is in the middle of the process. I hope the machine doesn't disturb Woody's sleep...new noises can be disturbing. I have supplies organized for tomorrow's treatment. Now hopefully we will both get a good night's sleep so we will be ready to get going once the nurse arrives...several technical things we have to do like plug something into our router so the iPad that is the way we chart all the statistics about each treatment and it is sent directly to the nurses. That way they can keep their eyes on us even when they aren't here! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
You can just avout cut the atmosphere with a knife! I just took the garbage out to the road for tomorrow's pick up...and...Oh,my! I dread going out to water. I'm planning to do that as close to dark as possible...but still be able to see my way around the yard! We made it through another day of training...just one more day of training in the center. I have been going through supplies and organizing them better...putting away duplicate boxes of items, etc. I plan to make some "packets" of the supplies that we use during the day so they will be ready for Thursday and Friday. I came home with a list of what goes in them and will try to make up two to see if I get everything in them before making up an entire weeks worth! Tomorrow after treatment is through, their tech guy will bring over our dialysis machine and he will get it up and running...hooked both to the internet and our water system...and, I don't know what else he will do. We also aere scheduled for pick up of our unopened peritoneal dialysis supplies...lots of boxes. That pick up is scheduled between 8pm and noon. They call at least 15 minutes before the truck arrives. I asked our nurse if I could go home when he calls and then go back to center when he leaves. She said I could. So I will probably be playing hooky for a little while from training! Best part of my day...I got my hair cut this afternoon! Yay! On the way home from my haircut I stopped and got gas. It has been a busy day. Woody is already settled in for the night on the couch/his bed. I will go down and work some more on the hemodialysis supplies. I have to put a sign on 4 boxes that the pick-up guy isn't supposed to take. I'm not quite ready to put them in the family room as I want to put them on the fireplace hearth...and...we have an uninvited guest in the flue of the chumney. (more rolling eyes inserted here!) Nathan will come to our rescue a little later in the week or whenever the time is appropriate. I am not appreciative of the timing of this drop-in visitor! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Monday, July 25, 2022
A Quarter of a Century…Surely Not!!
It is hard to believe that we have another grandchild who has made it to the quarter century mark! But Alex did just that today. Tonight's photo is from his preschool graduation. A lot of water under the bridge since I snapped that ohoto so many years ago! Today was another busy day at home hemodialysis training. We're getting closer to being at home...just two more days on in-center training. We started bright and early which meant that we got away a little earlier than we have been...but still out in about six hours at the center. We were both very ready to head home! Today we "learned" about different alarm numbers and colors and what they mean...thank goodness for a book that I can look back over as I doubt that I even remember one of the alarms! I did learn that a red alarm stops the machine so need to get it solved as quickly as possible so blood doesn't clot in the lines! I drew blood, again, to check his hemoglobin and his potassium...both are too low. I got a lot accomoplished over the weekend and Woody's living/dialysis area in the house is looking better and cleaner. I ooened all the boxes of supplies and inventoried them from the shipping list and put them all in the family room/Woody's room on the card table and rolling cart. I will wait to organize them better once the nusrse is here...she said she would help get them in places easiest for me to access. A lot of the supplies were ordered in duplicate...so duplicates will be stored on the shelves at the back of the closet...I think. Woody went to prayer meeting at church tonught and is now back home settling in before it is time to go to bed. We're both tired. Hopefully we will sleep well tonight. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Productive Day
I have stayed busy pretty much all day with a break every now and then to read or take a short nap...even put a timer on so I wouldn't nap too long! I worked in "Woody's" bathroom and the closet in the family room...wiping out drawers and rearranging contents in the drawers, I managed to get everything that doesn't hang up of Woody's clothes that we have downstairs into three of the drawers and then hung the rest of the clothes in the closet. I moved some of the clothes that he isn't wearing now back to his closet upstairs. I can't have his closet in family room too stuffed because I have to be able to get to the back of the closet where I have some of his dialysis supplies stored. I rearranged those shelves some as I will need to put some of the new supplies in there. The card table is now empty and I think that I will unpack some of the boxes of new supplies and put them there until I find out more about where they meed to be in my muddle of places to store things...some I will need to have closer at hand. I also cleaned out a little three drawer storage that the girls had used for their sewing when I was teaching them how to sew over here. It came from Nathan and Kathy's house, but since it has been here for so many years, I decided that they wouldn't mind it continuing to stay! The nurses suggested that this could store extras that I might need when setting up "if" I happen to drop what I had gotten out to use. Extras could be in these drawers and placed close at hand. At the moment these drawers and a small waste basket are housed under the card table. I will wait to put away the new supplies till the nurse is here and gives me suggestions as to what is best to have where...ultimately it is up to me, but they have some hints that I am sure will be helpful as to where is best to placr certain things. I have opened a couple of boxes...one contains a big bottle of bleach...I think that they have included pretty much everything except for the kitchen sink! I threw away outdated items that were in the drawers in the bathroom. I've done a little bit of all types of cleaning...found some pretty dirty places! Guess it is good that I am sort of being forced to do some deeper cleaning. I also roasted some red peppers. Woody thought that the red pepper sauce that I make might taste food on his meatloaf sandwiches. He continues to eat better and more since he has been on hemodialysis...a very good thing, His hemoglobin us very low as is his potassium. I picked up potassium tablets that he is to take for three days. And, we shared a banana today. But all in all he is doing much better in the eating category...even back to liking more things, but still a lot pickier than he used to be! The last load of wash, for today, is in the drier. I have gotten the vacuum out of the family room and Woody has moved over to his bed aka couch. I cover the couch with either a quilt or a sheet...since if is so warm these days I usually put a sheet over the cushions and up over the back. I washed the sheet and his pillowcases for his bed this afternoon, too...even vacuumed the couch before putting them back on. Like I said...I have done a little bit of of everything today. I still have to clean up the kitchen...and, then...I am through with cleaning for today. His room is getting closer to being ready for setting up his dialysis machine in there. I still have to clear off the little desk that used to be where the TV is now...that mainly has his meds on it and some of the PD dialysis supplies. I imagine that I will leave his meds there and probably use the other part of it for HD supplies. We'll see! The hearth is free of boxes, as of now, but will probably house some of the HD boxes of saline bags, etc. eventually. At least I can see a bit of light at the end if the tunnel that I will have things ready for the machine to be brought on Wednesday. I cleaned out really well under the sink and emptied it of most items as there will have to be a water line connected under there that supplies water for the solution that is used for his dialysis...called dialysate, I believe. Back to the kitchen with me...so...I can be through for the night! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Friday, July 22, 2022
7 Days of Training Down!
Another week behind us for home hemodialysis training! I'm so glad that it is the weekend! Everything went fairly well. One new thing I learned was how how to inject a med into ond of the lines while Woody's dialysis is going on...a way to give meds and not have to stick the patient. Woody's all for that. Today he got his monthly injection of iron. So much to keep track of! Our lesson module of the day was about all the complications that can happen! Not the most pleasant lesson...but necessary to be prepared...in case! Pretty hot here today. As we were driving through town to get home our car thermometer registered that it was 98° and, at that time we were passing the bank with a thermometer and it read 99°. That's hot! Just woke up from a little nap...thought that Inhad posted eRly so I could go out and water...oops! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Day Off?
We started off the day with Woody being bothered by a plastic piece on his catheter access...it is rough and it had rubbed on his skin all night...so...he had messed with the dressing making it loose...(insert eye roll!). The place where the tubing enters his skin has to stay covered. I put some tape around the oart that was bothering him and then taped the dressing the best that I could. I called Fresenius when they were open and asked for sterile dressing and some of the swabs that I use to clean it. I arranged to go to the center to get them. I did this on my way to the Credit Union and Kroger. I did our grocery shopping and headed home. After I got the groceries in and the frozen and cold items put away, I washed my hands, put on gloves, we both masked up and I took care fo the dressing. When I got the supplies from the center, our PD nurse is who brought them out to me and I asked him what to do about that little piece of plastic at the top of the two tubes that hang down...not near the access area. I asked if I could wrap a small piece of gauze around that he said that would be okay. So far I am hoping that this has helped. Woody said that it felt like barbs were sticking in him. Anyway, that was my nursing duty of the day! By the time I got home it was time for lunch. Woody had a meatloaf sandwich...his protein choice of the moment...along with his eggs in the morning. I am still attempting to arrange and rearrange "things" to make Woody's space into a hemodialysis room. I can do just so much and then I am ready to rest! Well, I went upstairs to rest and was just about to fall asleep when the doorbell rang and then a pounding on the door. It was FedEx with what is pictured above. He wanted to out them in the garage because there were so many boxes and that some were big...he doesn't know what "many boxes" means to me...this is just a small amount compared to what is/was behind me when I was taking this picture! He did bring them in and out them in front of the bookcase to keep them separated from ALL the boxes that will be picked up next week. The FedEx driver said that it looked like a warehouse! I told him this is what it looks like when dialysis is done at home. He said that he thought that he was delivering to a clinic...well...sort of! I know that this order contains our saline bags, but don't have a clue as to what is in the rest of them...I think just the general supplies that we will need. I'm sure that it would be okay for me to peek inside...but to tell you the truth...I'm not all that excited to find out what is inside them! I did manage to take a nap after the "exciting" delivery. So now I have my second wind and am going to try to do a few things before time for bed. Woody had some blueberry dump cake a little while ago...and might eat part of a banana before bed. His Potsssium is very low so we are trying to increase it without him having to take another pill! I am going to get the kitchen cleaned up and maybe relocate a few more things before I go upstairs for the night. Woody is ensconced in his recliner in front of the TV watching the hearings. I think that "things" are all quiet on the western front here in this Dorrell household. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Another Day of Training…
I'm not sure if I need to say more than tonight's blog title! Training! Training! Training! Almost a "bad" word! The other word for the day is "tired!" At times I wonder if I could feel more tired and then realize that I can and orobably have...but I'm pretty tired! My brain is on overload. The one good thing about today...is that we have tomorrow off!! Tomorrow is a clinic day for home PD and HD patients so they won't have room to give us a room for training. And, since we are training, we don't have an appointment for this clinic day...so we get a day off! We both look forward to it! We will go back on Friday and then have two days off. Our training nurse is going to br on vacation next week so we will meet with the other HD nurse. She is training another patient in the afternoon so we need to go in earlier than usual...about 1-1/2 hours early...but We really don't mind...just means we will have a longer afternoon to recoup! Today I had to draw lab bloodwork! We will have a centrifuge here at home so I can spin the test tubes of blood...that is "if" they need to be spun! Certain color caps mean different tests to be run on them...some of the tubes are supposed to clot...some are not...I will have labels...ice packs, boxes, shipping boxes and packing...and then will have to call Fed Ex to pick them up either the day we do the blood draw or the next. (insert eye roll!) This will have Woody on dialysis for a lot less time...but I am seeing my duties increased exponentially...not complaining...well, maybe I am. Also with this treatment I have to be within sight of Woody and his machine the entire time...on PD, I got him connected and then left him unless he called me! There are just sooooooooo many tasks. Also, I'm wondering how many clamps there are that I and unclamp at various times during the treatment...one day, im my spare time, I may count them. All these clamps are color coded...red = artery, blue means vein...and there are also blue, yellow, and white clamps each for one connection or another. At the moment my mind is muddled. By the end of the day today, I didn't think that I could cram one more thing into my head...I would read something and it was just words...that made no sense. But I will plug on. I will say that some of the confusion earlier in the week is becoming clearer and easier to do. So I guess the training is working...one thing at a time is becoming clearer as the training continues. Next week we will do theee treatments in center and if all goes as planned at the moment. The machine and other needed items will be brought to our house and we will begin doing dialysis at home. The nurses will be with us for at least a week after that...longer if needed. We completed our first week of training yesterday and started our second week of training today. So time is marching on. We are learning more about this mind-boggling job we have taken on. Now to put up our feet and relax or at least do other tasks tomorrow...probably some will be done with dialysis in mind since there are still some things to do to get ready for incorporating a new form of dialysis into our lives. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
All Work and No Play…
I worked hard at dialysis training and then got to have fun with going to the movie with Linda and Carolyn. All three of us read the book and all three of us enjoyed the movie and felt like it was very true to the book. We had an extra long day at dialysis...got home an hour later than normal...not so great when I was trying to get ready to go somewhere. Our AC worker showed up just after we got home from dialysis. I talked to him and talked to him for a minute and told him that he could go to back door if he had questions for Woody. Supposedly it is fixed...haven't checked much yet. We'll see if it controls what I have noticed as more humidity in the downstairs than there should have been. And there were three insulated air tubes that had problems. So it should help. More dialysis tomorrow...oh, boy! Today I had to learn how to give Woody his anemia shot!! What will I have to do new tomorrow?!? Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Monday, July 18, 2022
Monday…All Day!
Pretty much all went well with Woody's dialysis treatment today. I set up, got him connected, got the treatment running, kept track of things, and ended his treatment, got him off the machine and did what has to be done to the machine at the end. I had lots of help from the nurse and the instruction book. We also did more module learning...not sure how much more can be crammed into this old brain! We were both pretty tired when we got home. The iPad that I will have to record stats did talk with Woody's dialysis machine today so that was an improvement! The only main problem today had nothing to do with the nurses or me...there was a leak that I discovered when I sat down in the room...water all over the floor from the sink cabinet to the wall. Woody's chair was right in the middle of that big puddle. The nurses got it wiped up the best that they could, but it continued to leak all through the treatment...just kept having to put paper towels, etc. down to keep it contained. Hopefully maintenance will come get it fixed before tomorrow...but the treatment went on once floor was dry. What next! I'm hoping that tomorrow goes very smoothly as I will be anxious to get out of there as quickly as possible! Linda, Carolyn and I are going to the movie, Where the Crawdads Sing. We have all three read the book and look forward to seeing how close the movie is to the book. I just hope that I can stay awake and that treatment has us out in time to get Woody home, fed and settled before I head out to the latr matinee. All three of us are looking forward to our "movie date!" Woody's latest wish to eat is Blueberry Dump Cake. Yesterday a friend brought us some of her homegrown blueberries...so I granted his wish by making a blueberry dump cake while he was at prayer meeting. He just had a small bowl of it with some ice cream and said it tasted good. This was a trial as the dump cake that I usually make is made with a cake mix and Woody really isn't supposed to have cake mixes as there is hidden phosphorus in them and Woody's phosphorus has been high lately...it had come down some this last blood test. But it is still too high. He is supposed to take what is called a binder (pill) with each meal and snack. He has a bit of a problem remembering...we are both working on being better about remembering. He did take one with his dump cake serving...he can't remember if he did when he had his meatloaf sandwich...like I said we are trying to remember! The saying is "first bite...take a binder!" Too many things to remember! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! All most forgot to mention all the time that Nathan spent over here today. He ended up taking down the antenna and putting up a new one and Woody is back in business with the channels on our TV. Nathan did some clearing of overgrowth of weeds on the side of the ramp closest to the house. We are supposed to have our duct work under the house worked on...maybe the AC will be more efficient. I know that for a long time I kept wondering why the humidity downstairs wasn't better controlled...perhaps we have found out! Melany texted today and said that she checked and we are getting closer to getting the new garage door that she and Wade gave us for Christmas. "Things" are definitely taking longer these days! Nathan Facetimed me...or some such...this evening. He let Isaac and Joseph show me the watermelons in their watermelon patch and some other things that they are growing. I got to say "hi" to Peaches, one of the kitties we gave Esther several Christmases ago.
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Ahhhhhhhh! A Free Day!
Of course, what does free really mean! It was a free day from dialysis, but still there were things that I had to do that relates to dialysis...getting boxes ready to get sent back to Fresenius that we didn't use for Woody's peritoneal dialysis. I also had to get rid of PD supplies that were in open boxes. I also started trying to get things organized from the furniture rearranging...still working on that. I also started emptying a space in our sunporch to put a scale that will have a chair on it so Woody can sit to be weighed. Kathy and Abigail stopped by today. They brought us a treat...me a strawberry limeade and Woody some tator tots. Yummy! Abigail worked with Woody's remote to scan for channels to see if she coukd solve his TV channel problems...but looks like Nathan may still have to work on it. Woody has been able to see at least some programming today. He has been rather sleepy today, but I do think that he is resting better at night. He has also taken several naps today, as have I. I think that the start of hemodialysis and the training has worn us both out! We plan to enjoy another free day tomorrow...then we'll be putting our noses to the grindstone for five days in a row! And, three days last week seemed like an eternity! What will five days feel like?!? Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Friday, July 15, 2022
So Glad It’s Friday!
Before I tell about our day, I will tell about the barn/farm in tonight's photo. It is a farm that is in a rather strange place...just as we come off the interstate and turn onto Medical Center Parkway in Murfreesboro. There it is smack dab in the middle of a now very urban area...lots of businesses, malls, doctor offices and hospitals. It isn't one that is easy to get a picture of because of its location...traffic just keeps you going. But it always intrigues me when I see rural meet urban! Now about today's training experience...exhausting is how to describe it!!!! And, now all I can think is that it is behind us for two whole days! I made a big goof today. I was doing all the set up with the guidance of our nurse and "the" notebook. We were at the point of hooking up the first line to start his dialysis...meaning it was almost time for his dialysis to start. Setup is a very lengthy and detailed "event!" At that point I picked up the connector and managed to touch the end that is sterile. Guess what!?! We had to start ALL over! Guess that is a lesson learned that probably won't be forgotten and hopefully won't be repeated! I thought at the time that we would never get out of there this afternoo! It took about an hour to get back to where I messed up! But in the end since not much fluid needed to be pulled off and all that was needed to be pulled off, she got permission from Dr. O to shorten Woody's dialysis time today by around 30 minutes. And, I guess we learned/were introduced to how to override the machine. We can insert lots of eyerolls for today's training. Up until my boo boo, I had done all the set up with guidance from the nurse and book...she did take over after my mistake and set things up or we might still be there! Today was the first time that our nurse "went solo" with a home hemodialysis patient and his care partner. She has been in training herself for home care. Before this she was a hemodialysis nirse in center. Woody had had her as his nurse when he was on in center hemodialysis for three months last year. She is super nice and very patient...thank goodness. My mistake wasn't the only one today. We had to trouble shoot when she forgot to tell me and the book didn't soecifically say to open clamps at one of the steps. So she had to make a phone call to our other nurse, who was working at another center today. It sounds like dialysis centers are very short on nurses as so many hosoitals are. Woody actually said two words that I have rarely heard him say lately..."I'm hungry!" Yesterday afternoon, he told me that...BUT...he was hungry for something specific...a meatloaf sandwich, Well, I had the makings in the house, but the main ingredient, ground beef, was solidly frozen! So I told him that I would thaw the meat and I would make him a meatloaf today. I put it together this morning and cooked it after we got home this afternoon. He started out with half a meatloaf sandwich and ended up asking for another puece of bread and made himself a second! Miracles will never cease. He even said that it tasted good...another miracle in and of itself! Maybe he will add a little meat to his bones! We came home to changed world in our house! Furniture had been moved. I started to post a photo tonight, but I decided that I wanted to do a little more before I show it! It's going to take some getting used to, bit I think it will work for home dialysis...giving more room to move around when setting up, etc. Thank you, Nathan, Kathy and their work gang! Nathan moved the TV to a different spot which meant moving the TV antenna wires to a different spot...which meant a trip under the house. Elijah was designated for that job. Elijah discovered that there is a oroblem with the ductwork for our air conditioning that is under the house and Nathan took a look and onfirmed it. Nathan called our air conditioning people and they will be coming next week to check things out. Nathan is guessing that when we had an uninvited guest under the house...skunk, cat, or some other critter that they messed with duct work. I'm glad this problem was found...there is no telling how long it has been this way and we were none the wiser! According to Nathan they should be able to take care of this with or without us being at home. If it isn't one thing, it is another! I still have the task of taking inventory of dialysis items that need to ge picked up by Fresenius. That pick up will be the 27th and the nurse mentioned that the 27th may be the day we start our in the home training...as in...here at our house. In my mind that means that I will have the leftover supplies from PD still here when our hemodialysis supplies arrive! Oh, boy...we will really look like a warehouse...as if we don't already! Woody was tired tonight so has already gone to his couch/bed. I hope he has a good night's rest. He did sleep better last night than he has in a while...whether that is due to better dialysis or if it is due to being extra tired from the full day of training...we will take it! No place to go in the morning! Yay!!! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Information Overload!
Today I did more hands on with the setting up...I'm sure tomorrow there will be more I do. Plus we went through module after module of training information. Finished a day's worth. Yesterday we only did a little and today finished with the first one. What I remember is questionable! When it comes to set up, you cannot imagine how many clamps there are that you have to both clamp and unclamp! All color coded, but still! It took till 2pm again today. We were both glad to get home. I had to deal with getting the peritoneal dialysis supplies scheduled for a pick up. Managed sort of and then found out I had to give them an inventory of what they have to pick up...will do that tomorrow! Nathan and Kathy stopped by to try to figure out rearrangement of the family room. They just left and perhaps we have something worked out that may work. They may have what we planned tonight done when we get home tomorrow. Kathy said that we would think that we had been robbed when we come in and most everything is in new places! Kathy was shocked that I asked for our furniture to be rearranged...she loves to change furniture around...I do not...in my mind there is a palce for everything and everything in its place! When we moved in, I knew where furniture needed to go and it is pretty much still there! We will see if we can get used to this change and if this change will work with our new lifestyle! Nathan downloaded an app on my iPad to do a floor plan and then be able to move furniture from place to place and even see it in 3-D...pretty neat. I think that we are pretty much both done in from today's activities...hopefully we will sleep well. More training updates tomorrow! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
One Down…the Rest of His Life to Go!
Well...we have made it through day 1 of hemodialysis training. It took a looooooong time. We got to the center a little after 8:30am and didn't leave the center till almost 2pm. A lot of that was due to it being the first day and having to go through LOTS of paperwork and lots of technology set up. The technology set up was partly where we got hung up. I will have an iPad that talks to the dialysis hemodialysis cycler and that interaction just didn't want to get set up. We left hoping that tomorrow would solve the oroblem or that a new "box" would be sent to solve the oroblem. Woody was amazed by all that this dialysis process entails...I tried to tell him that is just too much...but... At the moment it is mind boggling to say the least. But I know that Peritoneal Dialysis seemed this way at the start too. But I do think that this is much more involved. I just watched today...may do a little more hands on tomorrow. There is a lot of training to do on the iPad also. We went through washing and sanitizing hands today since it was something that we are familiar with. She didn't want to overwhelm us "too much!" I did feel a little "off" for a while...I didn't focus on what was going through all the tubes! As you can see...Woody was quite cold, but so was I. He can't cover the area that has the catheter in it so one of his shoulders is quite cold. I found a button up the front shawl collar sweater that he can wear tomorrow. He felt cold for a while after getting home, but now says he no longer feels cold. We both took naps after getting home. It is a bit strange not getting ready to set him up for PD tonight. Just think...he can choose when he goes to bed tonight and won't be hooked to anything or have a machine running and beeping all night. I hoping that he can hopefully sleep more tonight! The hemodialysis takes around 3 hours...I'm not sure how much time all the set-up, take-down, record keeping, etc., etc. will take. I'm trying not to even think about it...one step at a time. And, thankfully the nurses are very patient! I already feel like we have a repport with them...which helps. The machine in the photo is our machine that will come home with us. The chair is also what they want to order for us...I will say that I really don't want the chair to be "his" chair all the time...it is NOT very comfortable. Tomorrow we will remember to put the cushion that is in his wheelchair on the seat of the dialysis chair. Well, as I learn more and do more, I will share more. For now we will just keep on keeping on! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Goodbye to the Familiar
Well, tonight it is out with the old and tomorrow it is in with the new. I am still very hesitant about this new "adventure." I about backed out today when we had our last visit between Woody's appointment with the peritoneal dialysis nurse and when we met up with his hemodialysis nurses to get info for tomorrow. I guess they realized that I was serious as one of the HD nurses checked with the scheduler at the in-center HD clinic. We were told that they would try to find a place for Woody. But by the time we were finished talking, it went back to us at least trying home HD training. I will say, they showed me the notebook that they have set up with directions for every step and it looks better than what I got with PD...lots of pictures...and if you start at the front of the book it takes you through all the steps of getting him to the point of being taken off the treatment and then you flip the book over and go from the back and that gets you through the steps of disconnecting him from a treatment. So IF I can stand seeing his blood go through the tubing maybe we can get through this! (rolling eyes!) My comment to the nurses that if it took them years to be trained as nurses then how in the workd can I learn this in just a few weeks. I feel like I have Woody's life more in my hands with this kind of dialysis than when we did PD. The main thing that we had to be careful of was peritonitis with PD...which would have been bad, but mow there just seem to be so many other things that can go wrong that are life threatening. At the moment we have access for dialysis through two tubes that are inserted into a vein that goes directly into his heart...which has a high possibility of infection. We will be doing it through this access until he has the surgery to out in the graft and he heals from that. They said that healing is 6-8 weeks...better than the months that I thought it was. They said that the other type of access, a fistula, takes much longer to heal. Once his graft is put in and healed then I will be doing needle sticks into the tubing of the graft...I don't have to find a vein. (another eye roll!) I warned Woody today that maybe I didn't have to find a vein, but I would be putting a needle through his skin. (more eye rolls). We still haven't heard from the vascular access associatrs about when his surgery will be...which doesn't surprise me. Once we get things going, then the nurses will contact them to see about an appointment for the graft surgery. We almost had a reprieve from starting tomorrow. The Fresenius HD nurse had contacted the vascular access associates to get a post op report to make sure that the access line was in the right place and they hadn't returned her call...so that meant that she couldn't shoot heparin into the line to make sure that it is open. We left the appointment without having heard from them. Not hearing from them would have meant that we couldn't start hemo tomorrow. The nurses said that we would hear from them one way or the other by the end of the day. Around 2pm one of the nurses called to say that they had gotten the post-op report amd that everything is go for tomorrow morning. They told us today that at the start the training will be from four to five hours long. Tomorrow we just get to watch...and I imagine that they are a little wary of what my reaction will be...guess I will be reporting tomorrow night how the training went. I'm sure that I will be glad that the end of day one will be behind us! I'm hoping that Woody will start feeling better once his blood gets cleansed better than it has been. I don't know how long it might be for him to feel better. To keep my mind occupied with something other than dialysis, I cooked most of the afternoon...now...I have the mess to clean up! But I did get a good casserole from my efforts. Woody is all connected and his last PD treatment is underway. Tomorrow starts another chapter in Woody's ongoing health saga. I'm hoping he gets some good rest tonight...of course, he is ready for HD to get underway...unlike me! I prefer familiar, as, I guess most of us do! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Monday, July 11, 2022
Learned Something
I learned today that Monday morning is not a good day to go to the grocery store. So many things that I wanted to buy had empty shelves where said items should be...guess they get wiped out over the weekend and then have to wait on their trucks to come in to restock. The produce guy and I got in a "shall we dance" moment...both trying to go same direction at the same time. I said something to him about getting out of his way. He told me that he wasn't in any rush that the trucks wouldn't be there till that afternoon. Oh, well, I got what I could get (hadn't been in three weeks) and then later in the afternoon went down the street to our close grocery store and found the things that they were out of at Kroger. So larders are full once again. Woody went to Monday night prayer meeting, is home, and his dialysis is going...his next to the last peritoneal dialysis. Tomorrow morning we go to Fresenius kidney center for this months and last visit with his PD nurse. Wednesday we will be going back to exactly the same place but will have been turned over to the HD (hemodialysis) nurses and will begin our next training. I'm wondering how many trainings this old brain can go through. I know part will be exactly the same...but enough will be different about the main part of it that I fear it will get all jumbled in my brain between the two kinds of treatments...trying not to think about it...but...Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Saturday, July 9, 2022
Quiet Saturday
Not much happening today...guess a down day before the fireworks start happening next week! We had rain pass through during the night and then another short rain storm this afternoon. I have read for a while and then retraced my pattern to a smaller size. I guess next is to cut out the main pieces from muslin and baste seams to see if this fit is better. It's a slow process when it is second time around for the same task! Not my favorite part of sewing, anyway, and then to have to do the task again...well... Woody has watched various things on TV...I believe some tennis and who knows what else. He may have done a little reading and when I went down to make his evening protein shake, he was using his laptop. He is feeling better since his PD treatment was upped. Tonight we won't do the added fills, etc., since we have church in the morning. I will go down and get things set up after I post this. Count down for his PD treatments is really on...only three more after tonight's. The last time that he was sick to his stomach was on the way to get his catheter and vein mapping done. So definitely the longer time dialyzing has helped him. He still doesn't have much appetite nor much thirst but at least he isn't getting sick! I guess it is time to go get things set up. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Friday, July 8, 2022
They Came…They Saw…
Tonight's photo shows the first fruits from our tomato plants. I will let them ripen a bit more on the counter. Wanted to pick them before birds started pecking at them! Well, our hemodialysis home visit took place this afternoon. Three came to the door...the two nurses from our clinic and a young man. They young man came to test our water...have to send off samples. He left after doing what he needed to do. The two nurses talked with us getting the lay of the land...I guess. I wasn't overly enthusiastic! As far as the furniture...they really encourage letting them order us a dialysis chair...Woody wants to use his new chair. Problem is, which he doesn't see, that our chair doesn't go totally flat nor tip so his head can go below heart if his blood pressure should drop drastically. We are to make our decision by this coming Tuesday when we go for our last visit for peritoneal dialysis. He has five more PD treatments, as we are to start training next Wednesday...oh, boy...and, once he starts hemodialysis there will be no more peritoneal dialysis. Furniture placement is up in the air. I think they agree that we have a bit of a problem in that room...but we will have to figure out something. We have two weeks of training at the Fresenius Kidney Center (same place we were trained for PD...same place different nurses) and then at least a week of in-home training. They have to order us a special scale, one that he can be weighed on without having to stand on the scale. I think that it was decided that they would order us a scale that has a chair on it that he will sit in to be weighed. I have to clear a space for that on the sun porch...another "oh, boy." Supposedly there will be less boxes than we get now that we have to store..should take up less walls in the living room. I just hope that the PD supply boxes will be picked up before the HD supplies are delivered! There won't be much room to move around if we have both sets! When the nurses left, we had to get Woody ready to go to TN Oncology for his Keytruda treatment and labs and to see the doctor. I came back home and called our Fresenius Columbia, TN contact as the settings weren't saved and last night's treatment ended up being a "normal" treatment. I got the numbers I need to plug into the maachine from her and took photos of the screen with the new numbers. Woody did say that he felt better yesterday after the extra exchanges were done. He has felt pretty well again today. It's hot, hot, and hotter today. Currently 97° and feels like 105°! Pretty warm...sort of takes your breath away when you step outside! I picked Woody up and brought him home. He said that he was really sleepy...but I don't think that he has dozed off since he has been home. I'm feeling the strain of the day and it isn't even supper time yet. Well, there you have our next dialysis plans in a nutshell...if you don't feel like you know much...neither do we! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Thursday, July 7, 2022
The Newest Dorrell Teen!
Elijah is our newest teen...he turned 13 today! Happy birthday, Elijah! Goosey searched on the internet high and low looking for the perfect gift for him. He thinks he found it in this book about the mind of a superior hitter. Our last dialysis duty this morning ended right at noon...which meant that Woody could finally have breakfast! The exchanges went just fine last night...just adding in additional added quite a few more hours. The machine part of the dialysis ran from 6:45pm last night to 7am. Then there was a last dwell that was to last at lea#t 4 hours...so at 11am we started the process of draining that last fill manually...that takes about 45 minites and then I have to change the dressing on the PD catheter. I'm not getting him started as early tonight.,.solution is warming. Well, now I can say that he is connected...I stopped writing to get him going. It will be an hour later tomorrow before the treatment is finished...really late breakfast! Plus I got a call today from the home dialysis nurses asking to come tomorrow for a home visit...oh, boy! Unless things go quicker during the night tonight, he won't be finished draining when they get here...so that could delay lunch even longer! There's no telling what the nurses may want to do with furniture arrangement in order to get equipment in. Today i was told that they will order a dialysis chair for him...not sure about that. I told them that I had just gotten him a new chair for home dialysis. Woody says that his chair is like the ones at in center dialysis...except his has electric controls. We'll see, maybe we can convince them that we don't need their chair...one thing after another to make decisions about. It will be fun to see how they think that they can arrange the room differently...we are talking about a long skinny room that has five doors opening in or out of it! The couch is in the only place that it can be for Woody to see the TV...TV needs to stay where it is because of the antenna connections...only antenna connections in the house...only TV that is a TV in the house. (I do have a TV in sewing room but I only watch DVDs on it.) Anyway...I guess the "fun and games" have started for home dialysis training! Nathan and Kathy just stopped by to get some books that I checked out from the church library for their kids...I was thinking Isaac...but they said that he doesn't like scary and these books are mysteries and the covers look a bit scary. They were sure that others in their crew would enjoy them if Isaac chooses not to read them. Speaking of these library books, they are some of the ones that Donna and I finished processing this afternoon so that they are ready to check out. We decided that we had better work this afternoon as there is no telling what my schedule will be like once this training gets underway. Woody has had a fairly good day...as far as I can tell. He actually did quite a bit of reading and is about finished with a church library book...a legal thriller. We have books by two authors that rival John Grisham...Randy Singer and Robert Whitlow. Woody is finishing one of the latest Whitlow books...but there is a newer one on the new-book shelf in the library...because Donna and I finished processing it this afternoon. I still haven't finished making what I planned to make for my supper...macaroni and cheese...macaroni is cooked and cheese is grated...maybe...I can go make the white sauce and have a few bites...not really hungry at this point...too much going on to be hungry!!! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Procedures Done!
The hemodialysis temporary catheter got placed and Woody's veins got mapped...but let's just say not in the most efficient way...it took may hours more than it seemed like it should have. We got to the clinic a few minutes early and got inside to find no one in the waiting room nor anyone at the check-in desk. We waited and finally someone came. Then they had trouble finding his orders in their computer. First clue that not everything would go smoothly! When we finally got called back (didn't keep track...but it was an hour or more in the waiting room). They showed him to his little cubicle and the first thing they asked him was just what they were going to be doing to him today. He didn't really know since I had dealt with getting all this set up. And, a patient is asked what they are having done to make sure that they understand. But...this time the nurses really needed us to tell them as they weren't sure! Luckily I did know what was supposed to be done. Then someone else came in just sure that they were supposed to remove a catheter and replace one. I explained that the only other catheter he had was his PD catheter and that had to stay till he could get started on hemodialys. They were probably convinced when they looked...and there was no catheter for them to remove! I did explain that he had had a temporary catheter a year ago, but that had been removed long ago. All this was going on and time was ticking away and not much was happening! Finally the doctor came in, but his first statement went against the grain for me...he asked Woody if he was stopping PD because he was tired of doing it. We explained that he was stopping because it wasn't doing what it was supposed to be doing. The doctor and a tech did an ultrasound of the veins in his neck to decide which side to do it on. It had been indicated to us that they probably wouldn't be able to do it on the same side as the last time. But it was placed on the same side. They left Woody sitting in his wheelchair after the procedure while he awaited vein mapping. Finally the tech rolled the ultrasound machine in, but the doctor told him that he wasn't doing Woody's first. Woody looked at me after they rolled the machine out and said that is the second time that he was bypassed. Come to find out efen though he got their first, the doctor chose to do the other gentleman's dialysis catheter before he did Woody's. This is the gentleman who got back into the area to get ready for his procedures about 30 minutes after Woody and I got there. I am wondering if part of the confusion came from the fact that both patients last names started with "D?" I realized that when the nurse said goodbye to the other Mr. D and Woody was still waiting for vein mapping. They did have Woody's birthdate and bracelet correct...but I'm thinking that in their minds that they may have gotten the two Mr. D's confused since they were having exactly the same procedure. We were both wishing that the surgery would not take place here to put in the permanent connection. But...alas...last thing the doctor said was that the vascular surgeons would be getting in touch with us to set upna surgery date. He is not eligible for a fistula. He will have to have a graft...they will connect two veins with a little plastic tube. I will say that the doctor did mention at the end that Woody had had a long day...I will say that the main positives of today's experience were the nurses and the techs...very pleasant. We left at 6:30am and got back at 2pm. I got Woody his "breakfast" once we got home and then started making phone calls to Fresenius to let them know that the procedures had been done so plans could start for hemodialysis. We pretty much got told that we needed to decide if we were going to do home hemodialysis...wanted a decision by Friday. I have realized that the main reason that home dialysis is being encouraged is that the center is maxed out with in-center patients. It's looking like new in-center patients will have to go to Winchester...not "all that far," but still not very convenient. Most of the time he is in dialysis, I would be on the road coming and going. We are spoiled by the fact thst most everything in Tullahoma is just ten minutes away! Plus the Tullahoma center is the one we are familiar with. Upon hearing this Woody preferred doing it at home...so guess lots of training is ahead of us...more than for PD...at least three weeks and possibly more. My next call was to the person that I talked to yesterday who wanted to get Woody better dialyzed with PD while we wait...so she upped the exchanges and also the length of the last dwell time. I started him before 7...hoping that it won't go too far into the morning. But she has added a couple of hours to his already long time! Her comment is that is probably only for a week and she is really trying to keep him out of the hospital! We don't want the hospital so we are giving it a try. I am hoping that he will be able to sleep tonight after his long day! He has already dozed some. He said that his neck does hurt some, but not enough for Tylenol. He can be stubborn not giving into pain meds. Oh, well...Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Murphy Visits Again and Galavanting Fun!
What a time we have had! Last night when I was setting Woody up for dialysis, we got another system error and this time the tech on the phone and I couldn't get it going. So we had to turn the machine off and muddle through the night with manual dialysis...I had hoped to avoid having to do manual exchanges since we are so close to finished with peritoneal dialysis and this cycler machine. They had to overnight us a new machine that would be delivered by 8pm tonight. Thankfully it has arrived and in time that we could get his dialysis going earlier than usual because we have to leave early in the morning to have his veins mapped and his hemodialysis catheter put in. Quite the day. I also spent a ton of time on the phone both with the vascular doctor's office and with folk from Fresenius about upcoming dialysis changes. It's a bit hard to get my mind wrapped around all of it! Nathan will be coming early in the morning and driving us to Murfreesboro for the procedures. We have been prepared for the outside chance that they will want to do a dialysis treatment tomorrow before they release him...mainly because he is being so poorly dialyzed. The lady from Fresenius told us that so we wouldn't be surprised. It is just a possibility not a certainty. Now for the fun part of the day! Linda H. came over and we went out for lunch at The Celtic Cup Coffee House in Tullahoma. I had been given a gift card for The Celtic Cup (Linda and I thank you, Carolyn!) and decided that I wanted to take Linda along for the treat! We enjoyed it...though the service left a little to be desired...somehow we got forgotten! The wait got away from me as it didn't seem as long as it was because we were busy visiting. On the way home we stopped and did a little shopping. Linda dropped me off at home and went for an appointment and then came back here and we had ice cream and cookies and fruit iced tea...and visited some more! Nathan and Kathy just stopped by and we made final plans for in the morning and they were going to get the green Taurus and take it to the farm. Woody is ready to get rid of it and they think it might help them as another driver is added to their family. At the moment they are just borrowing it to see if it would be useful to them. So maybe it will no longer be parked out in front of our house on the road! I imagine the neighbors may be happy for it to disappear! And, truthfully, these days we no longer need to ge a two car family. Will let you know what happens tomorrow night! All is calm at the moment...so glad that it isn't this time last night! We have been spoiled by the ease of the cycker machine! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Monday, July 4, 2022
Saturday, July 2, 2022
I was in the family room fetting Woody's dialysis set up and all of a sudden heard a foreign sound! It ws rain! Our rain showers have been few and far between lately. We have had a good day. I have done a little of this and a little of that. I did manage to get the pattern for my shirt traced and have started cutting out the muslin that I will test the pattern fit with. I have done more Christmas-in-July stitching and can finally see some progress on the ornament that I am working on. I made a quick run to the grocery store down the street as I realized that we were about out of eggs and would be on Monday. Today was not the best day to shop...THE Saturday of THE Fourth of July weekend! I'm just glad that I went to the close grocery store and not Kroger...if it was busy at this one, it would have been ever so much worse at Kroger. Nathan stopped by and fixed Woody's chair. It just took a couple of screws to make it as good as new...we knew when buying it that the top part of one arm was loose, but Nathan said he could fix it. And, fix it he did! He also carried off the old chair and helped me move the dinng room table back into position. We moved the table when we brought the chair in, but never moved it back. And, for some reason moving that table isn't easy for me to do by myself any more. I showed him where we are going for Woody's appointment on Wednesday. He volunteered to drive us. Woody can't drive home. I could drive if push came to shove, but I prefer not to drive out of town these days. I will get Woody's dialysis going as soon as the solution warms up. We need to start a bit earlier tonight due to heading out the door early for Sunday School in the morning. I may get the rest of the muslin cut out when I head back upstairs or I will stitch or read! Lots of possibilities...and, of course, there is always the possibility of falling asleep! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
Friday, July 1, 2022
A Wishy-Washy Day
I have done many loads of wash today and the drier is still going. I had been putting off doing my wash because I kept having to do towels, etc. for Woody. I had some towels from during the night that I had waited to wash till this morning. But still went on and did mine first. I am glad that Indid because I had another towel to wash after Woody "lost" his breakfast. I got two loads done for me Nd then started a load of towels. I also realized that the quilt, that I cover the couch he sleeps on, needed to be washed, too. Thank goodness our washer is a workhorse! It is an old one...but those seem to be more reliable than the newer ones...at least last longer than newer ones. I have gotten all the loads put away and the quilt is now drying. I also watered this morning. Lots of water involved in what I have done today! It's July! Can you believe it? One thing that I want to do is get back to stitching Christmas ornaments. Christmas in July! So I did sit a couple of times today and put a few more lengths of thread into the ornament that I'm working on. This ornament is a slow-go. I have considered abandoning it and moving on to another one...but will continue plodding on for a while more and see if I can see some progress! Woody has stayed in and sat in his new recliner. He's still getting used to his new chair. I've got his dialysis cycler set up and while I wait for the solution to warm, I am sitting in his new chair. He has already headed to his bed/the couch. I find it comfortable. I really like that the head cushion moves as does the lumbar area to better support neck and back. I haven't found the energy to go back to the store to find a new recliner for me. Well, the first day of July is winding down...one down and 30 to go...and, if they depart as fast as the other days this year, this month will soon be behind us, too. We'd better sit back and enjoy the ride! Off to shift the quilt in the drier. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!
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