Friday, July 1, 2022

A Wishy-Washy Day

I have done many loads of wash today and the drier is still going. I had been putting off doing my wash because I kept having to do towels, etc. for Woody. I had some towels from during the night that I had waited to wash till this morning. But still went on and did mine first. I am glad that Indid because I had another towel to wash after Woody "lost" his breakfast. I got two loads done for me Nd then started a load of towels. I also realized that the quilt, that I cover the couch he sleeps on, needed to be washed, too. Thank goodness our washer is a workhorse! It is an old one...but those seem to be more reliable than the newer least last longer than newer ones. I have gotten all the loads put away and the quilt is now drying. I also watered this morning. Lots of water involved in what I have done today! It's July! Can you believe it? One thing that I want to do is get back to stitching Christmas ornaments. Christmas in July! So I did sit a couple of times today and put a few more lengths of thread into the ornament that I'm working on. This ornament is a slow-go. I have considered abandoning it and moving on to another one...but will continue plodding on for a while more and see if I can see some progress! Woody has stayed in and sat in his new recliner. He's still getting used to his new chair. I've got his dialysis cycler set up and while I wait for the solution to warm, I am sitting in his new chair. He has already headed to his bed/the couch. I find it comfortable. I really like that the head cushion moves as does the lumbar area to better support neck and back. I haven't found the energy to go back to the store to find a new recliner for me. Well, the first day of July is winding down and 30 to go...and, if they depart as fast as the other days this year, this month will soon be behind us, too. We'd better sit back and enjoy the ride! Off to shift the quilt in the drier. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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