Thursday, June 30, 2022

System Error!

Just got finished dealing with a System Error on Woody's dialysis cycler machine. Luckily they have a 24-hour answering service and luckily they were able to talk me through it and get it back up and going. I was afraid that we would have to do his whole treatment manually tonight! So thankful that we don't have to and that the machine has been reset and Woody is now connected and all is auiet with the machine. We have had a pretty busy day today. I started roasting the Boston Butt Pork Roast late morning and it got finished around seven hours later. It is cooling a bit and I will then be challenged with pulling it this evening before I go upstairs...not exactly looking forward to that job, but it is super tender and what I have pulled so far has been pretty easy...but there is still quite a bit to go. I got my hair cut after lunch. When I got home, Woody decided that he was ready to get his cut...he had been ready for a while, but hadn't found the energy to go get it done. I checked him in online and then we loaded into the car. I got him into the hair cut place and then I left and ran a couple of errands...went to the Credit Union and then got gas. Woody was just finished when I got back so the timing was perfect! After we got home, I called Woody's TN Oncology office to change his appointment. It is on the day that he is having his catheter placed and his veins mapped. I told the appointment scheduler that unfortunately this time kidneys trumped cancer! She has to call me back with appointment day and time. She had to check with the doctor to see if he could just have his labs and treatment and see the doctor on another day, as the doc is booked solid on the day she was aiming for. Well, I guess I had better go pull pork, if I am to get upstairs tonight! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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