Monday, June 6, 2022

Monday, Monday

It has been a quiet day in our household...fairly a routine Monday--a stay-at-home Monday for me. Woody did get away for about an hour this evening for Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting. He is home now enjoying his evening protein shake--blueberry tonight. I still have a load of wash to get out of the drier and a load to start up in the dishwasher. Part of the morning I worked in the sewing room on a long overdue project--part of Abigail's, Joy's, and Esther's Christmas gift. It's getting closer for me to be able to put it in their hands and off my sewing cutting table! I may be able to get a little more done on it before bedtime. We had rain this afternoon and are supposed to get more during the night. All the plants are happy, but especially the new ones Melany and Wade added on Saturday. We had pretty strong winds when this afternoon's storm blew in and they blew the three new veggie pots over. I have righted them and have hopefully placed them where wind won't blow them over. Time will tell! Storms blow in from the west which means that winds blow directly across our patio area so anything that isn't really heavy is subject to being blown over. Wade had put them at the edge of the patio in the grass where they would get plenty of sun...a good place as long as it isn't windy. These tomato and pepper plants are tall enough that by moving them next to the side of the ramp that comes out from our back door should keep them from being blown over and still get plenty of sun. We'll see if I have them properly placed. Tomorrow is a church library day and a ballgame night for Elijah, as long as it doesn't get rained out. Tullahoma seems more protective of their ball fields than Manchester. I'm guessing there will be a game as long as it doesn't rain too close to game time or rain it out during play. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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