Friday, June 3, 2022

Busy! Busy!

Today has been "one of those days"...doing a little of this and a little of that. We both woke up early. I had hoped to go back to but never did until a nap overtook me when I sat down late this aftefnoon. I had done all "my" word puzzles before heading downstairs since it was so early. I printed off Woody's crossword puzzles and headed downstairs still when it was very early. I got him disconnected as soon as his treatment was finished with the part that the cycker machine does and figured out when to come back downstairs when his last dwell was over so i could then do the last drain for last night's dialysis. I went back upstairs thinking that I might go back to sleep, but never did. So I started working on a sewing least got the pieces cut out and placed for the next step to be done. At some point, I made out the grocery list using the Kroger app. When the two hour dwell time was up, I headed down to do the last steps of Woody's dialysis so he could be free of machines, IV poles, etc. for at least a few hours! Then it was time to get Woody's breakfast. By the time he finished eating, I was ready to head to the Credit Union and the grocery store. From that point on it was finish shopping, come home, put groceries away and see about getting us both something for lunch. Not long after I finished lunch, Melany called and I sat on the front porch while I talked to her...till my allergies drove me inside! Melany, and maybe Wade, plan to come see us tomorrow for a little while. They had been to the Farmers' Market in Murfreesboro and it sounds like they found something to add to our garden...something that blooms red...that is all I know...We'll be surprised tomorrow. I will say that the hydrangea they bought us last year at their Farmers' Market is doing very well...covered in blooms that have opened or will be opening...very healthy looking...I so happy that it has survived and hasn't succumbed to my lack of a green thumb! I'm quite pleased that I got it established last year! I have had to think about what I might feed have been working on preparations for tomorrow's lunch. I have Woody's dialysis set up and am about to go down to get tonight's dialysis treatment started. Then I will finish in the kitchen so I can get up to put lunch together the rest of the way in the morning. They will come early so they can work in the cool of the morning. Maybe I'll have a photo tomorrow night of what tonight is a mystery plant! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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