Saturday, June 18, 2022

Saturday Doings

Just "one of those days"...not a lot happened...stayed at home all day. I have spent some time going between reading a novel and working on tomorrow's Sunday School lesson. Woody and I are both teaching our respective classes tomorrow. I prepared a couple of items to go in the freezer for later use...not meals, but items that go into recipes--in other words it was time to do something with them or have them lose their freshness! I cooked up a pan of mushrooms in olive oil and froze them in small ziplock bags that went into a larger bag...all ready for Woody's scrambled eggs when I don't have any fresh in the refrigerator. And, I had a couple of cloves of garlic that seemed to be quite aromatic so I decided to mince them and mix with some olive oil and froze those in 1 teaspoon size mounds...all ready to pop into a dish when I need them. And, the garlic aroma has left the kitchen! I've done several loads of wash including the heavy quilt that I drape over Woody's couch to make it more comfortable as a bed. Nathan stopped by a little while ago with one of the kid's performance shirts that had a tear in it. I did a quick iron-on interfacing will last at least one performance! Not positive that it will make it through the wash. I can do something more permanent the next time if needed! Woody's dialysis treatment is started for tonight, since we need to be out of the house fairly early to head to Sunday School. I left him downstairs watching a Cardinal's baseball baseball is entertaining him once again this week. Well, I'd best get back to putting the final touches on tomorrow's Sunday School lesson. Then I'm going to read and/or stitch, but will probably end up going to sleep. Tired tonight as we had interrupted sleep again last night. Woody got sick in the night. He drank extra per request of the nurse...but it seems that if he drinks more, it just won't stay down. I'm really thinking that we are on the last legs of peritoneal dialysis moving towards hemodialysis. I've asked the nurse for some information on how home hemo is done to see if I think I can do it...I'm not much on dealing with blood!! But the doctor explained the benefits of doing it at is done 4 days a pretty much every other day and in-center hemo is only done 3 days a week and that extra build up of poisons in the system due to going a couple of days without dialysis is one of the reasons that Woody would get so weak when he was doing in-center hemodialysis. He struggled so much and did not feel well at all when he was on that is the reason I am considering home hemo. I always said that when it came to dealing with blood I wouldn't be able to do it! But the doctor encouraged it so at least I am thinking about it! When on hemodialysis he will be connected to a machine for lots fewer hours...I think it is either 3 or 4. Now, as I so often say, time will tell! And, maybe Woody will squeak by for another three months...but we both think that it is doubtful. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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