Saturday, July 23, 2022

Productive Day

I have stayed busy pretty much all day with a break every now and then to read or take a short nap...even put a timer on so I wouldn't nap too long! I worked in "Woody's" bathroom and the closet in the family room...wiping out drawers and rearranging contents in the drawers, I managed to get everything that doesn't hang up of Woody's clothes that we have downstairs into three of the drawers and then hung the rest of the clothes in the closet. I moved some of the clothes that he isn't wearing now back to his closet upstairs. I can't have his closet in family room too stuffed because I have to be able to get to the back of the closet where I have some of his dialysis supplies stored. I rearranged those shelves some as I will need to put some of the new supplies in there. The card table is now empty and I think that I will unpack some of the boxes of new supplies and put them there until I find out more about where they meed to be in my muddle of places to store things...some I will need to have closer at hand. I also cleaned out a little three drawer storage that the girls had used for their sewing when I was teaching them how to sew over here. It came from Nathan and Kathy's house, but since it has been here for so many years, I decided that they wouldn't mind it continuing to stay! The nurses suggested that this could store extras that I might need when setting up "if" I happen to drop what I had gotten out to use. Extras could be in these drawers and placed close at hand. At the moment these drawers and a small waste basket are housed under the card table. I will wait to put away the new supplies till the nurse is here and gives me suggestions as to what is best to have where...ultimately it is up to me, but they have some hints that I am sure will be helpful as to where is best to placr certain things. I have opened a couple of contains a big bottle of bleach...I think that they have included pretty much everything except for the kitchen sink! I threw away outdated items that were in the drawers in the bathroom. I've done a little bit of all types of cleaning...found some pretty dirty places! Guess it is good that I am sort of being forced to do some deeper cleaning. I also roasted some red peppers. Woody thought that the red pepper sauce that I make might taste food on his meatloaf sandwiches. He continues to eat better and more since he has been on hemodialysis...a very good thing, His hemoglobin us very low as is his potassium. I picked up potassium tablets that he is to take for three days. And, we shared a banana today. But all in all he is doing much better in the eating category...even back to liking more things, but still a lot pickier than he used to be! The last load of wash, for today, is in the drier. I have gotten the vacuum out of the family room and Woody has moved over to his bed aka couch. I cover the couch with either a quilt or a sheet...since if is so warm these days I usually put a sheet over the cushions and up over the back. I washed the sheet and his pillowcases for his bed this afternoon, too...even vacuumed the couch before putting them back on. Like I said...I have done a little bit of of everything today. I still have to clean up the kitchen...and, then...I am through with cleaning for today. His room is getting closer to being ready for setting up his dialysis machine in there. I still have to clear off the little desk that used to be where the TV is now...that mainly has his meds on it and some of the PD dialysis supplies. I imagine that I will leave his meds there and probably use the other part of it for HD supplies. We'll see! The hearth is free of boxes, as of now, but will probably house some of the HD boxes of saline bags, etc. eventually. At least I can see a bit of light at the end if the tunnel that I will have things ready for the machine to be brought on Wednesday. I cleaned out really well under the sink and emptied it of most items as there will have to be a water line connected under there that supplies water for the solution that is used for his dialysis...called dialysate, I believe. Back to the kitchen with can be through for the night! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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