Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Different View

Not as nice a view nor as nice a room!!!! He got moved sometime this morning. Not long after he got here he was taken to dialysis so the nurse has had trouble filling in the blanks. He was transferred to the Burn Unit...a place that seems to have rooms when other places do not. He has been in a different burn unit here once before. Both Melany's and my stomach sank when we were told where he was as we remembered distinctly the smell in the other room he had...not a good rembrance. I even told her that if his room was bad like the other one that I would go home with her!!! But this room doesn't have a burn smell. But they are so busy here that I don't expect to see a nurse very often. I guess Woody is one of her "easy" patients! Hope that is true! As I mentioned he had dialysis again today, no incidences as far as I know. He is more coherent than yesterday. But still not totally with it. His assigned doctor called and talked to Melany and me a little while ago. I think he thinks he is better than we think. He even mentioned discharge. I asked about the feeding tube in his nose and the fact that he hasn't passed the swallow test yet...I don't think that they have given him a swallow test today. He had rehab evaluation...of course, their evaluation is that he needs to go to a care facility after he is discharged. I told the doctor that I am not opposed to that as long as it is in Tullahoma and that he can use his dialysis center. That really narrows the possibility! I told him that the next option was home with a hospital bed, home health, etc., etc. We will see what we will see. I feel at this point we are in limbo. I don't expect him to be discharged as quickly as the doctor thinks. He thinks that Woody's mental status has cleared enough to follow instructions for the swallowing...I'm not so sure about that. I guess all we can say is that time will tell! It is a little eery on this floor of Vandy...the 11th floor. This is the floor where Woody received his IL-2 treatments...long periods of time spent on this floor...not pleasant memories...not that any hospital stays are. Woody can talk, though very hoarse. When we got here, he told the nurse our names. Later in a conversation I asked him if he knew who was getting married this coming Saturday and he said, "Abigail." He's still a little confused on things like what year it is...he gave his age instead...though he missed his age by 10 years...guess he wants to be younger! We'll get things straightened he has straightened things out a lot since yesterday. I am here with him until it is time for my appointment with my cataract surgeon...unless he gets discharged before then! To be way or another! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!


  1. You and Woody are in my prayers, Lois…always thinking about you….will get the key for tonight. Love you!!

  2. Lois: I have been thinking about you and Woody and your Family the last few days.
    Love you all.
    Carol Horn

  3. Sending prayers Lois. Let me know if I can help. Robbie
