Thursday, June 20, 2024

Working on Finding a New Normal

My days have a strange feeling at times. I'm not used to having the extra time that I now seem to have! Once again, I have had a busy day. The start was a day to "find things." I had been looking for Woody's wedding ring and hadn't been able to find it. A while back, he told me where he had put it...but it wasn't where he said it was. Today I was looking for something else and picked up a little box that was filled with lots of different things...including a few marbles and lo and behold in the corner of the box was his ring. He had stopped wearing his ring some years back when he got his hand hurt rather badly during a basketball got caught on something and wrenched his finger...from that time on he stopped wearing it. So now I have it is a memory of when I bought it for him all those years ago. I still have the receipt for it in the wedding scrapbook that Mother made for me. The other thing that I came upon was my Social Security card...I thought that I had lost it, but maybe I never carried it with me as I found it in a lock box that he kept all kinds of "important" papers. I was putting things back in the box and found my card up against the side of the box. In this box were his grade reports from college...also his selective service records for the draft. He never got drafted as he always failed the physicals because his blood pressure was always way too high. His number was called up at least once here and then again when we lived in California...but his blood pressure was always too high...they even made him go at various times of the day to have his BP checked when he worked at the Base. I guess he was really nervous about being drafted!!!! So two finds today. I had been meaning to try to apply for a new SS card, but kept putting it off as I dreaded the red tape. But guess I had it all along...just not in my wallet. I did get my plants planted today. Joy came over to bake banana bread. Their oven wasn't working right. So she and I had a nice to just sit and talk one on one with my grandchildren! After Joy left, I headed out to finish my watering. While I was watering our church administrator/education minister and his wife stopped by to another nice visit. I am being well looked after! Oh, I also found two other things today...I found two mint, uncirculated $2 bills. One of them is signed by the United States Treasurer of the day. She happened to be a Cottey College alum. I remember buying the one with her for us and one for my father. Daddy always tried to have a $2 bill in his wallet. I also found a savings bond that my mother had purchased for me back in 1963...before I graduated from High School. I thought that we had cashed in all our savings bonds...but this one was in an envelope so I guess it got overlooked. It long ago quit earning guess I should do something about it. I will eventually. I got the last of the throws and the quilt washed today. I got my hair cut...the hair cut that I missed last week, as Melany and I went back early when we found out that Woody had taken a turn for the worse. On the way home, I stopped at the Credit Union as I needed help getting an account number in my bill pay changed. Nathan and I had tried over the weekend, but kept hitting a road block. I decided to just go to them and let them show me how! Our internet bill changed account numbers...why, I don't know...but it surely did make it hard to pay them this time! So lots of thises and thats done today. I did do one more task toward the funeral. But pretty much all is done. I keep thinking of little things, but so far nothing that will make a difference if it isn't done! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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