Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I Can See Clearer Now!

I was the first first patient at the Surgery Center this morning. Everything went quite quickly. As far as I know all went well and I can definitely see a difference in the vision in my right eye. I am actually not wearing my glasses as my new eye is compensating for my old eye...or so it seems. Though at this point in the day, both my eyes are feeling tired! I have one more set of drops and then I will put on the patch they want me to wear tonight, the first night after surgery...afraid that I might reach up and rub it during the night. Rubbing this eye for the next month is a big no-no! I have an appointment with the surgeon in the morning. If all is well, then Melany and I plan to head to Vanderbilt, Nashville after lunch. We have called a couple of times today to check on Woody. He is pretty much the same. One of the nurses said that she did see a bit of improvement over yesterday. He is breathing on his own, but they will not remove the tube till he is awake and they can evaluate him as to just what is going on. He is getting nurishment now...thank goodness...he can't afford to lose weight...but I'll bet he has. His white count is still a little high but is trending downward. He had dialysis again today. We were told that they drew no fluid off yesterday and that today they were going to draw some fluid off...I wonder if they were testing to see if they could throw him into one of his spells that he gets sometimes during dialysis. But that is just a guess on my part. Melany and I have pretty much lazed around today. Melany has done several jobs for me...keeping me from bending or straining. I plan to spend the next two nights and then either go to Melany's or home for the weekend...it will depend on how Woody is doing. Our plans have changed a bit as today Cheryl called and she said that she has decided to postpone her trip here. Her airline/ticket allow her to cancel her reservations up to almost the last minute and then can rebook another time using her current ticket. So she will come, just not a week from today. I am a little sad, but it is probably best since there is no telling what I will be doing in the next few weeks...other than a wedding which is a little over a week away and then my second surgery two weeks from today. Time marches on while Woody sleeps away! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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