Monday, June 10, 2024

Coming or Going or is it Two Steps Forward, One Back?

This is an old picture that I took on one of our trips either coming or going from Vanderbilt in our days of Woody getting Melanoma treatments at Vandy. This photo of the miniature donkeys is a favorite of mine...reminds me of a push-me-pull-you in Dr. Dolittle...or my thoughts of what one might look like! But in this case it reminds me of not really knowing what is going on, what direction we will be going tomorrow and whether we will move forward or backward. Today has been a bit of a backward day...or so it seems to me...but maybe it is part of Woody's healing and coming back to us. He slept very well all through the night. BUT he has never really awakened today...just snoozed most of the day. He responds slightly, but really didn't answer doctor and nurse questions, etc. They are now addressing a very swollen arm and trying to figure out how they can not use that arm for an IV. (He did have a doplar/ultra sound of his arm today. Nothing back from doctor yet about that.) He has two IVs in his leg, but most of the nurses are not happy with using leg IVs. I saw the doctor who thought yesterday that he might be close to discharge...he had a different picture of Woody today and said that discharge wasn't imminent...which the nurses and I already knew! They chose to not try a swallow test today as they were sure he would fail since he is so out of it. Maybe tomorrow. He will have dialysis again tomorrow. He had PT this morning...mainly figuring out what all he can't do! Of course they are evaluating him for when he is discharged. I may have already said this, but will say it again...sorry if it is a repeat. But they are suggesting discharge to a care facility till he is a bit stronger. I told him that was acceptable as long as it was in Tullahoma (only two facilities there) and that if he can't be placed in one of them, then we will move in a hospital bed and have him come home. I have purchased a lift and sling that Nathan found for us. We still have the lady who needs to come to evaluate him for a power chair that "things" are in place that way if need be. I have to have him close so we won't have a fiasco that we had when he was in a facility in Nashville. I want to be able to check in on him whenever I can...different times, etc. to keep an eye on his care. Plus I want him to be able to go back to his dialysis center where they know him and know his dialysis procedures. He has been approved for ambulance/stretcher transportation to and from dialysis so that can be worked out. If in a center, he will also be transferred via ambulance. So those are decisions that we are facing. Of course, if he comes home then home health will become involved again. But today has been a treading water kind of day! Hoping the sleep is what he needs to move on again tomorrow! Will let you know as we continue this tale! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Abigail and Payton's wedding is getting closer! They picked up Abigail's dress the other day to be steamed. Today they picked up the two bridesmaids' dresses and the shoes for the three a couple of gifts that I had for them to pick up. I'm thinking that the wedding items I was holding have now left the house...and my next wedding duty is to get to the hook or by crook!

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