Friday, June 7, 2024

What a Difference A Day Can Make

Woody was getting better last night, but by this morning both his eyes were open. He was making eye contact, answering questions with yes and no nods, following requests, etc. All the docs were impressed with how mich progress he had made since they saw him yesterday. They cut his breathing help way back to see how he would do and said that if he was doing okay in 30 minutes they were going to take the breathing tube out. The main team is the one who decided this and they are headed by neurology. One of the reasons they wanted his tube out is that they had decided that he wouldn't have one of his "spells" if he was still intubated during dialysis. They were still interested in seeing him have one of these during or soon after dialysis. And...guess what! He did just that! He had one of his episodes during dialysis. I was not a witness to it as Nathan came today to see Woody and then he and I headed back down the road so I could come home for a couple day respite. I found out about it when I called the nurse a little while ago. I decided to call before the nurse he had since 7am left at 7pm. I was calling to see how he was doing off the breaathing tube instead heard all about his "problem" during dialysis. The neuro docs can be happy...but then again...Woody was not hooked up to the EEG machine so no graph record of the "spell!" Oh, well, it was witnessed by the dialysis nurse and his ICU nurse. His ICU nurse said that it took about 30 minutes for him to come back to himself. But that once again he knows whoj he is and can answer their questions, etc. I'm wondering if he will don the EEG leads for his next dialysis at the hospital. Now back to taking out the breathing tube. He hasn't had trouble breathing except that he has a lot of "stuff" to cough up so that has been an issue and a lot of suctioning has been going on. The nurse said, when I called, that at this point that they weren't going to reintubate him...but the next shift might decide to. They told me this morning that he was a good candidate for having to put the tube back in. They won't say that he has pneumonia...but he is rattling when she listens to his chest. He can talk, but it is very raspy. They asked him what his name was and he said "Woody" with a very gravelly voice. The next time he spoke, he was quieter as I figure it hurts to talk. He was surprised to learn that he is at Vanderbilt in Nashville and very surprised that he rode there in a helicopter. I imagine he was a bit disappointed that he doesn't remember the flight! He was happy to have a clean shaven face. The nurse offered to shave him and I had brought his electric razor. He dozed off and on today, but any tme someone spoke to him, his eyes came open and he would nod an answer or do waht they said. He also tried to get his hand to his nose. I asked if it was itchy and he nodded "yes." So I itched it for him...he has oxygen so that always makes his nose itch...reason I could anticipate his need! He's still very sick, but much improved over yesterday. I am hoping that is the way each day goes for at least a while! I questioned going home today at this point, but then I knew that I needed to get some rest and rest isn't easy to come by at the hospital. Melany and Wade will be going to see him tomorrow and then Melany is coming to get me on Sunday to take me back. Ring around the rosy! I didn't realize how tired I was till I went outside to deadhead a few flowers...I didn't think that I could finish doing what I planned to do. So I am planning an early night tonight. I was thinking no alarm in the morning, but...I have an alarm set to take my first round of drops. As sleepy as I am, I will still get a good night sleep if I fall asleep as early as I think I might. Nathan and I had a good late lunch on the way home so I just plan to eat a little snack tonight and make myself a cup of herbal Alaskan berry tea that Melany and Wade brought back to me from their Alaska trip last week. I can't believe that a week of June is already over and that I have spent almost all of it in one hospital or another or in a vehicle going or coming from said hospitals! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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