Saturday, June 22, 2024

Lots of Memories

Tomorrow's date is one full of memories for our families. June 23, 2001 most who were alive in our family were gathered in AZ for my nieces wedding. Then in 2005 I was in AZ on June 23, because tht is the day my father died. And, now, tomorrow, June 23, Woody's funeral will take place. When I set up the day for the funeral, I just chose Sunday...didn't look at the date until I put his funeral on my calendar. I guess it is a date to remember. This has been a busy day, again. I have been mainly puttering around the house. I have worked getting the family room and the bathroom back to non-sick rooms. The bathroom is once again a guest bathroom. I haven't gotten all the medical supplies out of the family room, yet, but that will happen eventually. Nathan, Kathy and 5 of the grandchildren stopped by this morning and changed the batteries in my smoke started chirping yesterday. It is in a very dangerous the head of the stairs out over the stair well a bit. Not a battery change that I will atempt! They were on their way to a juggling gig a couple of towns over. Well, tomorrow is about to arrive...just hoping that we all survive the day...I know we will, but having the day so close does put a bit of a feeling of dread into me...and I'm sure the rest! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! The best part of the day was getting to talk with friends from far away...friends from our two years in California back in the early 70s and then my moved-away-from Tullahoma friend in Alabama. Getting to visit and think about long ago days was fun...good memories!

1 comment:

  1. A date that means something for sure. Full of mixed emotions and also a reminder to cherish the good times and the good memories. Thinking of you all tomorrow.❤️
