Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Legal to Drive Without Glasses…With One Eye

I think that my surgeon was pleased with the results of his surery on my right eye yesterday. I didn't tell last night that he did run into problems with the laser part of my surgery due to the steepness of my eye...he had trouble getting "something" to attach without a took him four tries...but he was successful. Today he ordered whatever it is with more steepness for my next surgery. I will go back in a week for another check on this eye and I assume measure my left eye for my next surgery. I did have them pop out the lens in my glasses on the right side. I was trying to go without my glasses and I could see pretty well, but then I got a headache and I decided that I would go back to wearing my glasses with only one lens. I picked up a book from the library that I had put on hold for Woody. I started to tell them to give it to the next person and then decided that I wanted to read it. So it is sitting next to me. I'm not sure how my reading eyes will work with the new eye and the old eye with tri-focals. But I will try. Need something to while away the time! Woody is just about the same. He had dialysis again this afternoon. They are trying to see if they can get him to have one of his "spells" but so far no go. One of his doctors just stopped by and said that they are still just waiting for him to wake up so they can take the breathing tube out. We keep telling Woody that. He is having a few more what are probably involuntary muscle movements. The one thing that he did a little earlier was nod "no" when I asked him if he was having trouble breathing and then again a little later when I asked him if he was cold. We will see if he can consistantly answer yes and no questions by nodding...of if these two or three times were just a fluke. The unit has gotten quite noisy...shift change. Things will calm back down shortly. They did tell me that he won't have dialysis again until Friday. His white blood count is back in the normal range. But I think they still think he has pneumonia, though a test that was sent off does not show he does. They are redoing the test as what he is coughing up tells them a different story. He continues to breathe on his own. His blood pressure went a little low shortly after dialysis. But it has come back up. All his vitals continue to be good. Woody continues to be a mystery to his care team. Melany headed home after rush hour (hopefully). I will stay a couple of days. If all goes according to plan, Nathan will come up on Friday to see his dad and then take me home. Melany will drop in to see him over the weekend. Of course, this is all subject to change! I have been good and doing all my drops at the right time...just two more to go at bedtime...that is for today...then the drop regimen starts all over in the morning. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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