Saturday, June 1, 2024

Not the Best News

Just a quick post tonight. Nathan and I are in the waiting area at Vanderbilt in Nashville. Woody was helicoptered here earlier. I had to call 911 when he became rather nonresponsive this afternoon. They ran tests at Tullahoma's Harton. It was decided that he needed to come to Nashville after he started having seizures...they have intubated him and sedated him. He was calm and peaceful when I left him. Nathan and I got to Nashville a little while ago. We are about to go to his room. Well, we are in room. He is resting peacefully. They are not sure what exactly is going sign of a stroke on the CT. I have decided not to spend the night. He is sedated and has the breathing tube so I will let him rest and let God, the doctors, and medical team and do their work! As Woody would say, "To God be the glory." To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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