Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday Activity

I started out the day doing a little stitching when I woke up too early, once again, this morning. After I had a bite to eat for breakfast, I headed outside before it got too hot and watered the gardens. Since the hose was there and the car, too, I decided to wash the car...not the best job, but better than it was. By that time it was getting rather warm outside and I came in and got my grocery list ready. Then it was off to Kroger...the first time since June 1 that I had stepped foot in there. I only needed a few things. It was very crowded in the store's Friday, the 4th of July is approaching...anyway, many reasons for what seemed like half of Tullahoma being there! By the time I got my groceries put away, it was almost lunch time so I ate a quick bite and decided that it was time for a nap! I rested for a while and did fall asleep. I decided mid afternoon, that I would make an egg casserole from a recipe of my mother's. I have an abundance of eggs since I am no longer making Woody a 3-egg omelet every day! I had bought eggs in the morning of June 1 and Woody ended up in the ER that that abundance of eggs hadn't dwindled over the month. This recipe is made with deviled eggs that have a cheese-mushroom sauce poured over them and then baked in the oven till heated through. I had never made this particular recipe, but I remember Mother sharing it with me. She had made it for a brunch she had had for a group of women at her house. She was often trying out different brunch-type recipes for her group of friends and she would share them with me. When I realized how many eggs I have in the refrigerator, I thought of this recipe and decided to give it a try. I had it for supper tonight and it is quite good. I'm going to serrve it to Melany and Wade tomorrow when they come to do some more gardening. I'm also going to make a pasta salad for tomorrow...good weather for a cold salad...pretty hot here. It's been getting into the lower 90s almost every day this week. Pretty humid, also. Oh, I did attempt to change names on things, again, today. This time for our car and house insurance. They told me that it wasn't necessary to removce his name from the policy unless I really wanted it removed. I said, "Let's leave well enough alone!" I didn't have time to attempt to change anything else I will start up again on Monday. I guess it is time to head back to the kitchen to put together the pasta salad for tomorrow so it will have time to get good and cold. I hope to read and stitch this evening after I go upstairs. I have been stitching most evenings...or if I fall asleep, I end up stitching for a little while when I wake up in the wee hours of the night. Or I read in the wee hours hoping to get sleepy enough to drift back off. We have been getting so many sweet notes from friends...everyone is so thoughtful! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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