Sunday, June 2, 2024

Helicopters Overhead!

Once again we are in the area where the helicopters land overhead. Tonight's photo I snapped with my phone just before getting into the car to head back to Vanderbilt in Nashville. We had quite a trip back...a trip that usually takes no longer than 1-1/2 hours took us 2-1/2 hours. There was an accident and drivers didn't heed the warning that the right two lanes were blocked...they kept going over in those lanes and moved right along to only have to merge when they got to a point thus slowing the rest of us down even more! But we finally got here. The pastor of the church where Nathan is children's minister and his wife were here when we got here...they also got caught in the traffic slowdown, but they must have gotten on the road a little before we did! Woody is no longer sedated, but so far hasn't awakened and isn't following commands like "squeeze my hand." They are hoping to wean him off the breathing tube once he wakes up more. I remember in the past that it takes him a long time to become "unsedated!" Before Nathan left, he put the ESPN Sunday game on Woody's TV...number one reason...the St. Louis Cardinals are playing...that SHOULD wake him up. I have been updating him on the score...especially when the Cardinals score! He is moving more than yesterday, but not much. They did try to start weaning him off the breathing tube this morning, but he didn't start breathing on his own when he was so sedated...hoping now that he is off those meds that he will start waking up. The doctor called me this morning bringing me up to date...saying that he had spiked a fever in the night so they wanted to run some MRI of his brain for one. I was not surprised at that as they need to look at his brain for several reasons...but one being to see if his Melanoma has spread to his brain. At this point the MRI results have not been posted. The nurse said that he would let me know when the results come in. They also wanted to do a lumbar puncture to make sure that there wasn't an infection in the spinal fluid. The report, though not a formal one, looks pretty good as the fluid was clear...not cloudy. I had to give permission for that test. They have done EEGs on his brain and there has been no futher seizure activity. He will have dialysis tomorrow as they need to clear the dyes from the MRI from his system. It is good that this is the first day for him to have dialysis here as tomorrow is the day he was supposed to start on hte Monday, Wednesday, Friday that will begin on the day planned by his dialysis center. I have to call them first thing in the morning to let him know where Woody is and that he won't be in their center tomorrow and that they need to notify the stretcher transport not to pick hin up. I am spending the night, as that will let me be here early in the morning when his medical team comes in so I can find out what their thoughts this point I think that he is still a mystery! Woody has always been up for a guess that is why he is good at handing out challenges?!? Here comes another helicopter! Trying to think what I have left out...still a lot to process! Melany will come tomorrow to check on her daddy for a while and then she will take back to Tullahoma so we can be up and out of the house early on Tuesday for my cataract surgery...can things get more complicated...probably...remember we are apporaching a wedding...less than two weeks now till Abigail and Payton's wedding! Lots going on in Dorrell households! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Just read on the back of my badge that I have to turn this badge in at 9pm for a night badge and in the morning at 8am for a day badge...rolling eyes a bit at this!!!!! More news tomorrow! Oh, and, his vitals are good.

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